Chapter 29

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As I take in this humanoid appearance, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is a weakling, plus his awful smell. Just do what Mr.Demonio says and it will be all over quickly. I began walking and motioned for the human to follow me. I look behind me and ask" So how do you expect to find three humans in a world that has no familiarity to you? Also, what is the name they call you again? Trav.."

      The human interrupts him and emphasizes "Travis! It's Travis and my boss said that you would help me with finding my....friends. You must know something or where to start in Clas...Clash.."

     I interrupt and say "Clashings! world is called Clashing's and if you don't want to end up dead somewhere then I suggest you remember the name. Also, what is that ghastly smell on you? It smells like a bamboozere when it starts decomposing. Before you go anywhere with me, we have to get that stench off you.''

     Travis laughs and says it's my cologne..also where can I take a shower? I am surrounded by nothing, but dirt and sand. Also, it is a little hot here, do you have a hat or something? I rather not get skin cancer."

      I chuckle "Dirt? Sand? Ahh, that is what you see... Interesting! Also, your vile race actually made up the term "Skin Cancer" because the dreadful products you were making to lighten up your skin, make your skin smoother, or moisturize your skin actually made it worse. Since the damage was already done, your people couldn't just take it back. They made more awful products to fix the damage, but it got worse and the next generations started showing up with awful skin because do you say it...."DNA". "

     Travis stops in his tracks and asks " Wait..what do you mean humans are the reason we have skin cancer? That can't be true..also what did you mean " Ahh that is what you see... interesting"? Do you see something else because it seems like this desert is neverending.."

     I blatantly look at him and mention "If you want to survive in this world then remember..what you see and hear is not necessarily true. You see a desert while I am surrounded by trees, bushes, flowers, and animales. This world will get you killed if you don't make the right decision and it's my job to make sure you don't end up dead before finding those three humans."

     Travis gives me an apologetic look and says "Thank you. Speaking of humans, have you heard any information about them? It's two sisters. Sam has thick black coily hair and smooth dark chocolate skin with curvy features. Her hazel eyes usually light up a room. She has a sharp straight nose and thin dark eyebrows. Sarah also has smooth brown skin with dark blue curly hair. Her round eyes are brown. She has a wide nose and dimples on her cheeks. Have you seen anyone that looks like that?"

      Mr.Demonio told me not to let them know about the humans. Even though I would gladly give the munchkins back to them...I can't. Right now just throw this puny human off course and make him disappear... I clear my throat and utter "Trust me...if anyone saw humans roaming around in this world, then they would've ended up dead. I would've been the first to be notified so no I haven't seen any humans. Right now, we need to go to Apullu Town and find a place for you to stay. Follow me."

     As we begin walking through Apullu Town, Travis starts coughing. He holds his hand over his mouth and asks "Why is there black smoke everywhere? I can't breathe this in. I've always had weak lungs as a ki....(Travis faints)

     Why are humans so weak? He just walked in town and the kid just faints. What..his little lungs can't take a bit of smoke. He breathes in their cars, cigarettes, and chemical plants. Maybe this may be my chance to make him disappear! As I pick up the human, I whisper "It's better with you like won't be painful when you die."

Italics-Internal Dialogue


How does Mr.Demonio know Pue?

If Travis was this weak-minded then why did he even go to Clashings?

By reading this you believe that the author believes in conspiracy theories ahaha?

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