Chapter 7.

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Peter (T) and MJ slide off the side of a small muddy hill, landing on a pile of dead leaves. The portal they came through closes as they land roughly into another multiverse.

"AHHH!" MJ screams as a violent thunder rages above them. Lightning strikes just right to the side. 

They landed in the middle of a forest, with half the trees shedding looking like the beginning of fall in the area. Majority of the thick raindrops land on the tall trees around them. However, the air was getting colder, and they found themselves shivering. They see a tiny nearby shed, deciding to seek shelter there for the meantime.

"Where are we?" MJ exclaims, observing the heavy rainfall.

Peter (T) tosses leaves on his shoulders, to the side, trying to make out of where they are.

"All I remember is that we were fighting off Amadeus, an explosion happened, Rodney opens a couple portals, we are." He sighs, looking at his behind. "So...where did Raquel go?" He blinks in confusion.

"Rodney opened a portal for her too." MJ gulps.

"So then.. where IS she?" He begins to panic. "Where's Rodney? Where's HERE?!"

"I don't know!" MJ states with frustration.

Peter clasps his hands together on his head, combing his hair back in frustration as well.

"Okay...w-well, let's assume that Amadeus still managed to follow us and that he's here-"

"He's managed to DO that for quite a while now, don't you think?"

"Well that's not really helping MJ." Peter snaps at her.

"This whole thing with Amadeus is getting exhausting." She vents.

"He's not easy to fight off, considering I'm not a sorcerer. Don't worry, I've been reminded a couple of times that I'm not." Peter scoffs. "But I'm assuming Dr. Strange is on his way. Rodney said he let him know what's been going on."

"Why hasn't Strange come yet?" She states with a bit of worry in her tone.

Thunder roars again, as she shivers in fear, moving closer to Peter.

"I don't know. But it'll all be okay." He says, continuing to look around to see if there's any other thing to keep themselves warm. "I won't let anything happen to you."

She takes a deep breath, ignoring his last sentence. "If Strange is on his way, then we should do whatever it takes to go back home now. This is the chase that Amadeus wanted from Strange."

"I can't go back home without Raquel." Peter nudges his head, disbelief how MJ wasn't as appreciative when he told her he wouldn't let anything happen to her. He also was surprised at how MJ completely forgot about the whereabouts of his girlfriend.

"So we find Raquel, then go back home. End of story." She concludes, trying to make the plan sound as simple as can be.

"Yup. Pretty much." Peter shrugs, expressing a sarcastic smile. She notices, and decides to keep a small distance from him to avoid argument.

Once the storm fades, the two manage to escape the cold, foggy, and damp forest. Eventually, MJ points out that she sees cars passing through a freeway.

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