Chapter 25.

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*Third Person POV*

Both Peters manage to take Raquel to the nearest hospital. They frantically morph out of their Spider-Man suits and return to their original state. Both have their hands, arms, and necks, covered in her blood. Once Raquel is on a stretcher with multiple nurses and doctors surrounding her, the front desk look at both Peters in suspicion.

"What happened again?" The front desk lady obnoxiously chews her gum while typing on her keyboard.

"There accident." Peter (A) speaks first, watching Raquel get transported to a room.

"Really bad...accident." Peter (T) trails his eyes to the side, hoping and praying Raquel makes it. "This is all my fault..." He whispers to himself.

"Please have one of you fill these out for me, and write down what you witnessed." She hands them a clipboard with papers on it. "You gentleman can use the nearest restroom over there, to wash the blood off of you." She states casually.

Both Peters gulp and look at the form.

"What are your names again?" She asks.

"Peter." They both say at the same time.

"Last name?" She continues to type.

"Parker." They give each other a frustrated look for speaking simultaneously.

She raises an eyebrow. "Both of your names are Peter Parker?"

"Is she going to be okay? Is she going to make it?" Peter (A) begins to panic.

"As soon as she is taken care of, and the doctors return with an update, we will know how she's doing." She tries to calm him down.

"I can't...I can't..." Peter (A) tears up and his voice cracks. "I can't have her die. You understand me? I can't let that happen."

Peter (T) understands Peter's (A) worry, glancing at him with a look of empathy.

"Please Mr. Parker, if you can just patiently sit down in our waiting room, a doctor will prompt you on an update."

"You expect me to just WAIT?!" Peter (A) raises his voice.

"Alright, alright, we will." Peter (T) calms him, and takes the clipboard.

They walk away and Peter (A) quickly tightens his grip on Peter's (T) arm. "You're okay with all of this waiting?"

"I don't want to cause a scene." Peter (T) snaps. "And yeah, I don't have much of a choice right now but to wait, and pray that she can make it. I feel just as crappy about this, as you are."

Peter (A) sighs, "How did we not sense her at the park? Just...HOW?"

"I don't know." Peter (T) shakes his head. "But what I do know, is that she probably would want us to stay calm, fill this out, wait, pray about it, and quickly make up. Don't start thinking negative things, because I WILL lose it and have us both kicked out. I REALLY don't want that to happen."

Peter (A) sighs again and nods in agreement.

Both look at their hands, filled with her blood, and notice other people in the waiting room, exchanging frightened looks at them.

"I'll wash up first." Peter (A) announces and heads to the restroom. "We're starting to look like murderers around here."

Peter (T) couldn't help but slightly feel like he actually was. He knew their jealousy over one another is getting the best of them and it's spiraling out of control to the point where it's physically hurting others. He wanted to punish himself for not keeping her out of harms way, and for allowing himself to once again be tempted towards MJ. He knew he shouldn't have stopped by and check on her. He knew so much better. His heart grows heavy picturing Aunt May scolding at him for his behavior lately. She wouldn't have been proud.

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