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- Jenna's Pov -

       When I woke up the next morning, there was no Billy. That's what I had assumed would've happened, considering we have school. It was really cold in my room so I sluggishly stood up to find that the window was wide open. He must've climbed out through there. I walk over to close the window then turned around and noticed the bed was made.

I smile and walk into the bathroom, look in the mirror and realized I went to bed with a full face of makeup. There were wipes in my makeup bag so I got them out and wiped everything off. All I really felt like doing was putting on mascara and lip gloss. After the bathroom, I went back in my room. I rummaged around my drawers and got out ripped jeans and a multicolored sweater out, slipped my red converses on and walked out of my room.

"Mom!" I yelled. After a couple moments of silence I try again. "Mommmmm!" Still no answer. I shrug it off and figured she just left early for work or something.

Before leaving I made sure to grab my bag and my keys. Then walked out the door. To my surprise Nancy's car was parked in my driveway. She had a guilty look on her face and started to chew her nails as I started walking closer.

"I'm so so so so so sorry Jenna! Please don't hate me, please don't hate me!" She pleaded as I sat down in the car. I stare at her for a second with a blank expression before I started laughing. She gave me a confused look.

"Nancy it's okay, I'm not mad at you." I say, putting my seatbelt on. She smiled at me with relief and then pulled out of the driveway.

"I thought I could make it up to you by giving you a ride to school." She says, keeping her eyes on the road. I could tell she was really sorry.

"It's okay Nancy..really." I reassure. She still wouldn't believe that I wasn't upset with her. "Besides..who's to say I didn't hang out with my boyfriend?"

She looks at me for a second and then looks back at the road. "Your boyfriend?" She asks in disbelief. "You hate men, since when do you have a boyfriend?"

"You don't know everything about me." I say, crossing my arms and smirking.

She laughs. "You probably ate and watched movies all night." She confirmed, returning back the smirk.

I don't say anything and just laugh under my breath. The events of last night were way more exciting than watching movies.

A couple minutes later we arrive at the school. As we're pulling up, Billy catches my eye. Of course his arm was around a good looking brunette, who was grinning from cheek to cheek. A cigarette was sitting between his lips. He was wearing a tight, white t-shirt that had no shame in showing off his muscles.

"You aren't checking him out right?" Nancy asks. She doesn't have a good relationship with Billy because of how he treats Steve. He's always pushing him around, sometimes I feel like Billy's threatened by Steve just because of his history at the Highschool.

"No." I snapped, quickly looking away from him. She makes a "yeah right" comment and pulls into a parking spot. We both get out and start to walk towards the school.

"I'll see you later." Nancy says. I nod and we both part away from each other. We had three classes together but they were all in the afternoon.

I walk into my first period class and plop down in the back where I usually sit. Nobody that I really knew was in this class so I kept to myself most of the time. The room started to fill and soon after everybody was sitting, the bell rang.

"Good morning class." Our teacher greets us with a forced smile. "Today we-"

She gets cut off as the door slams over. Billy. Of course he was like 15 minutes late, smoking a cigarette.

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