Night Drive

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- Jenna's Pov -

As we were driving back from the pool, I told Carol about our interaction while looking at all the stores that went out of business because of Starcourt.

Even though Carol was telling me what I did was right, I still had that feeling in my stomach. The kind of feeling that doesn't go away for a long time. The kind of feeling that made me want to throw up.

When Carol dropped me off the first thing I did when I got home was turn the shower on. I didn't bother talking to my mom or dad, I was already in a shitty mood and I knew they'd only make it worse.

The hot water stung a little bit when it first hit my back because of the little sunburn I developed but after a couple seconds the water felt amazing. I ran my fingers through my hair before exhaling long and hard.

When I got out I through on a t-shirt and shorts before opening the door. My dad stood up against the wall, causing me to jump when I saw him just standing there.

"Took you long enough." He spit out.

"There's two bathrooms.." I muttered while pushing passed him.

He grabs my wrist before I could even get to my room.

"Your mom is taking a shower and I don't appreciate your fucking tone Jenna." He squeezes harder.

I stay silent, but I knew the only way I was getting out of this without getting hurt even more was to just do what he wanted.

"Yes sir, i'm sorry.." I mumbled.

After a couple of seconds he let go of me. He didn't say another word to me so I quickly walked into my room. I adjusted the door back to my liking before throwing my dirty clothes onto the floor and then laying down.

I wondered what Billy was doing, probably still at the pool or maybe his shift was done and he was on his way home. As much as I didn't like it, I couldn't hide the fact that I wanted to hear the loud rumbling of his engine passing my house.

My eyes close and I roll over on my side. After a couple of minutes, I hear the bickering of my mom and dad and the sound of glass shattering followed by my mom yelling his name. I didn't bother seeing what was wrong, I just wanted to sleep.

So that's what I did.


When I woke up, it was dark outside. The house was quiet and there was no lights on except for my desk lamp. My head hurt like hell when I stood up and for some weird reason I had this feeling in my stomach.

Like something was wrong.

I decided it was just because I was hungry so I moved my door quietly out of the way and made my way to the kitchen. It seemed like no one was in the house, my dad wasn't on the couch and neither was my mom. I figured they were in their room.

I wouldn't think anything of it if it wasn't so early. They never go to sleep this early. I shrug it off and grab the cereal box and a bowl from the cabinets. When I went to open the fridge I noticed my moms old magnet she got years ago was on the floor, peeking out from under the fridge.

"What the hell?" I muttered before sticking back on.

How did I never notice that?

I shook my head before grabbing the milk. Am I going crazy?

As I was pouring the cereal, my body kept shivering but I wasn't cold. Something felt so off, but I couldn't think of what it could be. I looked around the house. Why did everything seem so weird?

I was pouring the milk when the phone rang. It made me jump and spill the milk a little.

"Jenna. Get it together." I said to myself as I walked over to the phone.


"Jenna?" It was Billy, he was breathing hard.

"Billy? Yeah it's me. What's going on?"

"Look, I'll explain later. I need you to come get me, my car it's-"

The line cuts.




Shit. What was happening?

After a couple minutes phone rings again, immediately I answer it.

"Jenna, I'm at a warehouse, I don't know-" He sounded scared.

I knew what he was talking about. That warehouse was abandoned in the middle of nowhere.

"I know where you are. Stay there."

"Please.." Was the last thing he said before the line cut again.

I hang the phone back up. I was pissed at him but he sounded like he needed help, I couldn't even imagine what was going on but I didn't care. I was going to get him.

Quickly but quietly, I ran into my room and slid my shoes on before grabbing my jacket and my moms keys. I knew how to drive, I just never had a car.

"Where are you going?" My dads voice unfortunately stopped me from opening the door.

I curse under my breath and turn around. "Night drive, I need to clear my head."

"It's late."

"No it's not." I retorted and opened the door a little.

"Jenna don't even think about it." He muttered.

"Think about what?" I asked before opening the door all the way. As soon as I stepped out, I slammed the door and booked it to the car.

The car starts with no issue, luckily. I pull out of the driveway as I watch my dad yell at me from the porch. I knew this was going to kick me in the ass later but I had more important things I had to do right now.

I had to get Billy.

𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠 // 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒Where stories live. Discover now