Happy Halloween Steve

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- Jenna's Pov -

Billy. Billy. Billy.

He was the only thing on my mind besides Tina's Halloween Bash, but even then I barely thought about that.

"So you're still going right?" Nancy asked as we sat down.

I nod. Nancy and I were at our usual spot at the wooden picnic table.

"And did you get the Billy thing figured out?" She asks as she pulls out one of her notebooks.

"Yes. And I do love him." I stated.

She smiles and jots something down in her notebook.

I look past Nancy towards the parking lot. Billy's car was parked but there was no sign of him.

"Hey speaking of Billy, shouldn't he be out by now?"

She thinks for a moment then nods. "I think they have practice."

I shake my head. "On Halloween?"

She shrugs. "That's what Steve said."

"I guess I'm staying for another two hours." I sigh.

"I can take you home if you want." She tells me as she sets her pencil down.

"Billy told me he would take me home." I stand up.

Nancy looked confused. "You just sat down, where are you going?"

"The gym. Wanna come?" I ask.

She shakes her head and nods at her textbook. "Gotta study for Mr. Moores' class. We have a test after Halloween."

I chuckle and throw my backpack over my shoulder. "Yeah, I transferred out of that class."

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, figured that out. Have fun watching Billy sweat."

I pretend to gag and she laughs. "See you tonight."

She smiles and continues to write in her notebook.

I make my way back to the school.

The air was crisp. The leaves were orange, brown and red as they crunched under my feet. Pumpkins sat everywhere around the school, along with cheap orange and black streamers aimlessly thrown around.

When I stepped inside the school I immediately heard shoes squeaking against the hardwood floors.

"Come on Harrington!" I hear Billy's voice faintly as I made my way towards the gym.

I roll my eyes at the comment. Poor Steve.

Finally I got to the gym doors and pushed them open. Billy had his back towards me.

I looked up at the bleachers. Some girls were staggered through out, some in groups whispering and smiling over at the boys and some alone doing the same or just doing their homework. My eyes scanned the rest until they landed on a familiar face.

It was Carol. Again.

I shrug and scurry over to her. She gives me a soft smile and I return one.

"I'm getting deja vu." I joke while sitting down.

"What's going on this time?" She asks as she raises her eyebrows.

I shake my head. "Actually, nothing. Everything is perfect. What about you?"

She focuses back on the boys. "Tommy and I aren't doing so hot right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's whatever. We always do this, it's like a routine." She mumbled.

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