Leave It Open

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- Jenna's Pov -

       I didn't pull into the warehouse when I got there. I stayed on the road, I figured no one was coming down anytime soon anyway.

It was dark, very dark. This was terrifying actually. My heart was beating so fast and my stomach was in my ass. I looked for Billy's car, I thought I saw it but I wasn't sure. Why was he out here and what did he get himself into? I waited for a while, I thought maybe he was playing a trick on me, maybe he wasn't even here, that's what I thought until there was a bang on the passengers window.

It was him.

I unlocked the door and he immediately opened it and sat down.


"What happened, what's wrong with you?"

He was definitely a sight to see. The tips of his hair, along with his face was covered in sweat. His breathing was still heavy, just like over the phone.

"Where do you want to go?"

He grabbed my arm and squeezed it. "Jenna, I don't fucking care where we go, we just need to get the fuck out of here." He looks out of the window, "Just drive."

He lets go of me, I shake off the painful throbbing he left on my arm and push the gas. As we drove down the dark road, I kept glancing at him. His eyes were still wide, his chest was heaving and he was clutching his fists so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

"Billy what happened..?" I mutter out, almost scared to ask.

He doesn't answer at first. Before I was about to ask again he took a deep breath. "What?"

"What happened, why are you acting like this?"

"Like what? I'm fine."

"Billy Hargrove."

He looks at me, surprised that I called him by that. I squeezed the steering wheel as I waited for an answer. He was making ME anxious.

"Jenna, I saw something okay? Something that I can't even describe, something that nobody would believe was real if I told them."

I furrowed my brows. "I'd believe you."

He scoffs, finally unclenching his fists, I looked at his hands for a quick second and noticed he was bleeding from shoving his nails into his skin. "No, no you wouldn't." He lays his head back against the headrest.

I look at him again before pulling into a road that I was familiar with, finally. Now I was relaxed, well, kind of.

"So, your house..?" I mutter, trying to change the subject. I wanted to get off this topic, I wasn't going to ask anymore questions. At least for now. He looked like he'd been through Hell and even though I wanted to know what happened, I wasn't going to push him.

"Can't we go to yours?" He mumbles, like he was embarrassed.

"Billy I'm not sleeping with-" I was still pissed at him.

"Jenna I know you're still mad at me, but it's just for tonight."

He grabs my thigh.

I start to get memories of us in his car. Damn he was good.

I stay quiet. Focusing on not giving into this man.

"Please. I don't want to be alone."

I sigh.

"Okay, but it's gotta be yours."


"Billy." I snapped.

"Okay, my house is fine."

Right as he said that, I make the turn into our neighborhood. Passing my house and going straight to his.

We get out and he takes my hand, pulling me to the backyard. He hops up first, the window already being open, before pulling me up into his room. I stumble forward into him but quickly back away as soon as I got my balance.

I was exhausted so I take my shoes off, set my keys on the desk, and climb into his bed. Despite Billy's smoking and slightly dirty room, his sheets smelt so good. I throw the blankets over me but I noticed that Billy hadn't moved at all yet.


He stared at the window. The open window. I propped myself onto my elbow to observe him more.

"Billy..?" I muttered, "Come on you're freaking me out."

He didn't move one bit so I got up and touched his arm. He was freezing. He flinched at my touch so I bring my hand away. That was weird. I walk over to the window and try to close it but this time he grabs my arm.

"No, leave it open." His tone was demanding and his touch sent chills up my spine.

"Okay..can we keep it cracked though?"

It takes him a second but eventual he nods slightly so I pull down, just leaving a little bit of space so air could so flow in. Now for a second time, I walk over to the bed and throw the covers back over me. This time Billy follows, he takes his jacket which, now in the light, I noticed had blood on it.

He takes his shirt off before laying down next to me. I laid on my side, facing the wall. It was only a couple minutes until I felt his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his body. I let it happen, I missed him but that wasn't going to change anything.

His body was still cold but I tried to ignore it.

Usually Billy was warm and usually his heartbeat was slow and steady. Making it easy for me to fall asleep with him, but tonight was different.

I shrugged all of it off because I knew if I didn't it was just going to eat at me all night. Maybe it was nothing worth mentioning. If he wanted to tell me he would.

Eventually, the sound of the could air pouring into the room caused me to fall asleep.


    When I woke up the next day, Billy was gone. I checked the clock and it said 12 pm. Shit. I hop up and off of the bed, sliding my shoes on, not bothering to tie them. I make sure to grab my keys and look at the window. It was still open and I figured that would be the best way for me to leave.

I wince as I hit the ground, my legs were still stiff from just waking up and hitting the ground didn't really help. I get in the car and zoom off down the road.

I wasn't surprised that he wasn't in bed when I woke up. I figured he was probably at work since it was almost noon.

When I got home, I made sure to open and shut the front door as quietly as possible. I ran out of the house last night so I know my dad is pissed at me, but I'm glad I did. Billy seemed really off last night but I still didn't know why. I still wanted answers, but sadly I didn't think I was going to get them.

I get inside my room and softly place my door in front of the frame. The first thing I did was fall into my bed. So many thoughts were going through my mind.

Why was Billy acting so weird? Why was he so cold? Why did his tone change like that?

And what the hell could he have saw that he couldn't tell me about? Surely there's nothing out here in Hawkins that could've affected him that much.

Not in Hawkins..



I think you guys know where this is going 😬😬

I'm so excited for these last few chapters 🤭

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