Or What?

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- alcohol, mentions of abuse -


    "Chug Chug Chug!"

Once again we were back at the keg. Flash backs from the Halloween party came back but this time around it wasn't funny or entertaining. He wasn't okay but I had tried multiple times to try and talk to him.

All he did was push me away.

"I fucking hate this." I muttered next to Matthew.

My arms were crossed as I stood mixed in with the crowd of people watching my boyfriend be held up by his legs.

The counting went on. Faster than last time. This was making me want to throw up just watching.

All the girls cheering for him (including Carol and Tina) pissed me off even more. Everything was making me mad right now.

So without saying anything, I turn around and make my way back inside the house.

"Jenna." Matthew's voice follows.

I throw the sliding door open and push past the drunk stragglers that decided not to go outside or just didn't know what was going on.

"I'm not doing this again." I say, trying to tell more
myself than I was Matthew.

"I can take you home, if you want." He says as he follows me into the kitchen.

I sigh and jump onto the counter. My face rests in my hands as I stare at the floor.

"No, I want to wait for him. I don't care how messed up he his by time the nights over.." I pause and exhale again. "he needs me right now." Even if he didn't know it.

"Okay." I look up at him. "So what now?" He asks me.

I thought about it for a moment. Billy's not gonna want to leave any time soon. So I guess I was staying.

"I'm going to wait for him." I tell him.


  Like I said, we were still at this party. Now everyone was back inside. I was still sitting on the counter, leaning against the cabinet waiting for Billy. I knew he had to come back in here for another beer some time soon.

Matthew left for a smoke a while ago, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

My head was pounding and the lights were not helping at all. I closed my eyes, thinking it would help but that just made it worse.

Eventually I heard someone's footsteps, I ignored it until they let out a laugh. My favorite kind of laugh. His laugh.

I open my eyes, just to see that I was right.

I watched him open the cooler. He had to notice me at some point.

Eventually he did.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, sounding more annoyed than anything.

"I'm waiting for you so we can leave." I got straight to the point. I wasn't letting him drive home this wasted.

He walked up to me. "Why don't you go home with your other boyfriend?" He set his beer down and put his arms on each side of my thighs.

"I don't like him Billy." I snap at him.

He stared at me as I took in his injuries.

I tried to say something but he place his hand on my thigh and moved his head in closer to mine.

𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠 // 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒Where stories live. Discover now