Talk To Me

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Jenna's Pov

   He looked terrible. Blood was everywhere and his head looked like something had been thrown at it. He looked worse than the first time he'd shown up here.

"Oh my gosh, get inside now." I quickly said as I got out of the way.

He immediately stumbled to the same chair he sat in the first time he was here.

"Shit shit shit shit." I whispered, I was panicking, last time I did this was easy, all he needed was ointment and water. This time was worse.

"Billy, you need to go to the hospital." I told him as I pulled a chair so I could sit in front of him.

"No." He shot with no hesitation.

"Billy pl-"

"I'm not going to a fucking hospital Jenna, I came here for a reason." He looked at me with pain in his eyes. I know he doesn't mean to be snippy, he couldn't help it.

"Okay.." I muttered, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed the same items I used last time, and some Tylenol as a bonus.

Before I pressed the rag against his head I grabbed him hand. He gave me a weak smile then dropped his head.

"It's an open cut so It's gonna.."

He cuts me off. "Sting. Yeah I know."

I smile and gently pressed the cloth up to his wound. He winces at the contact and squeezes my hand.

"It's's okay." I cooed, taking the rag off of his head.

"A couple more times okay? Are you okay?"

"Your mom never got a new vase." He let out a weak chuckle, ignoring my question.

I smile and press it up to his face again. He lets out a sharp sigh and right after a painful moan escapes his lips.

A couple minutes pass. In that time, he never asked me if I was done, he never complained, he just let me help him. I could feel his blue eyes on me, watching me.

"Take these." I demanded as I gave him the water I had poured before along with the pills.

"Just two?" He questioned in a disappointed tone.

"How many do you want? 5?" I joked.

"Yes." He stated, dead serious.

"Hell no. You get two for now."

He rolled his eyes as he took the pills. After he swallowed them he took another sip of water.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked, sitting back down in the chair.

He didn't say anything for a while. I respected that, I would give him as much time as he needed.

"He was really drunk when he came home, I was in the living room, minding my own business," he hesitated, "..guess he was bored."

My glance never left him while he was talking. I wanted to ask questions but I didn't know what would trigger him and what wouldn't.

"Susan was out and Maxine was at the arcade, he would've still hit me but it wouldn't have been this bad." He muttered.

Billy told me the rest of the story, tears falling down as he did. He told me about what his dad said about his mother and how he responded to it.

In this moment I didn't care about Jessie, or about what Nancy or Jonathan said. I only cared about Billy, he came to me and I think that means something.

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