Evil Looks

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there is abuse in this chapter


I speed up because my house was literally right there. I thought I could get to it before he could get to me but I was wrong.

"Jenna!" He shouts. I pretend like I can't hear him and continue to keep my back turned.

"Jenna I know you can hear me!"

Now the car was right next to me. At this point I had no choice but to look up.

"What-" I snap.

I didn't stop walking so he didn't stop driving. "Are you okay? Why are you walking in the cold by yourself?"

"I'm fine. What do you want." I didn't answer him fully.

"Did Billy do something to you?"

Excuse me? The fucking audacity this kid has.

"Wha- no, why would he?" I ask.

"Because why else would you be walking by yourself in the cold."

I ignore him as I finally step onto my driveway. I turn around and face him. His car was right in front of my driveway. I was really close to the car.

"Matthew. Look, you're nice and all but please leave me alone." I finally tell him.

He didn't show any emotion, but I could tell he was angry.

"You're really choosing that dick over me?"

I scoff and cross my arms. "I'd take him over you any time because at the end of the day, you're the real dick."

His eyes felt like daggers, shooting through mine. He kept glaring, making me feel like I couldn't move. I didn't show any signs of fear, even though I was absolutely terrified right now.

"Remember that Roberts." He hisses.

I narrow my eyes before turning my back on him.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." The way he said 'tomorrow' shot chills down my spine. It made me stop in my tracks. He said it like he was going to do something.

After a couple of seconds, the car drove away. I take a deep breath and even feel some tears fall down my cheek. What was he going to do?

I rush back inside and don't even look in the living room or the kitchen. I go all the way back into my room and lock my door.

What the fuck?

My first thought was to call Billy but he was probably going through it right now. I couldn't call him.

I sigh and sit on my floor, leaning back against my door. Why was I stressing over this? As long as Billy was at school everything would be fine. Matthew wouldn't try something with Billy around, no one would.

"Shit." I spit out before dropping my head. That was scary. Matthew wasn't like that, I had a big crush on him and I never saw that. Maybe I pushed something.


and there was my dad.

I want to ignore him but I know what that would lead to. I sigh and stand up.

"Yeah?" I ask as I unlock and open my door.

"Come here." He grunts.

I roll my eyes before making my way into the living room. "What?"

𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠 // 𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒Where stories live. Discover now