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Wealth. Status. Power.

He have it all.

Anything he wants, he gets.

He grew up with that mentality.

Ever since he was a child he had already planted in his mind that he is superior. Everyone else is just a stepping stone for him to reach a greater height.

Everything that he deserves will eventually fall onto his hands. Everything.

That is why he would not let anyone get in his way. Be it other nobles or his siblings, they would be eliminated.

One of his victims was his older brother.

He is smart, strong and has a lot of potential.

But he is kind. And that is his weakness.

In their family, being kind means you're weak. In their environment where the strong eats the weak, it is understandable that he was the first to fall.

He is a formidable competitor with a lot of supporters. That can't be so Venion decided to make him useless in their eyes.

That is what determined Taylor Stan's fate.

Venion Stan, the son of Marquis Stan marvelled in his own work.

He watched in delight as his competent older brother fell from grace and his supporters moved over to his side.

Their father did not even bat an eye. It made him feel superior.

He did not kill him immediately, Venion wanted his older brother to see how he would succeed and then trample him some more.

He gets everything he wants after all.

He is Venion Stan. A noble far superior than all others.

But why is it like this now?

Everything, he lost everything.

It all started two years ago. When suddenly, the dragon that their family somehow acquired from somewhere got stolen from them.

He have no idea who did it but their people said they were assassins in black outfit with five red stars and one white star on their clothes.

Venion didn't know who those are but he ordered for an investigation and to hunt those people.

It is the right decision but for some reason, his father that always sided with him got angry.

For the first time in his life, he got slapped in the face by his own father. He said he is stupid and not to cause anymore trouble.

He ordered Venion to stop the search and the hunt. Venion did not understand but he didn't want to anger his father any more than he already is.

But Venion couldn't comprehend why he looked so shaken by the description of the people who got the dragon.

They were just lowly scums. Peasants who doesn't know any better. What's to be shaken about?

That day, his status in the succession dropped low.

He couldn't hold his head high for a while until he could get back up.

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