End of your demise

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Before you start reading this chapter, I request you to go through the previous chapter, "Accusations"

Arjun's POV

I was sitting in the car waiting for us to reach to our destination. My stomach churning due to an unknown fear that I never knew I was capable to feeling. Shawarma has kept his attention on the road while Preeti on her palmtop giving me a detailed information about what is going on with Sunaina.

"So it seems that Nikhil has completely lost it." She exclaimed.

"What did you read?" I asked anxious.

"He wanted to kill me first but somehow he ended up entering in here. He mentioned a certain door. That's strange!"

"So you saying he came into this fictional world through some kind of door eh?"

"Yeah. But I never saw such a door. To be honest as far as I remember, I saw a light I think. I literally just prayed that I would be sent here and bam!"

"So what? There might be a chance that he found a door. What's so strange in this?"

"You don't get it." She said. "This means that we have a way to return to our worlds. Now then we have to find that door again and we can be home."

"Home? Sunaina's home?" My heart clenched at that thought. Preeti seemed to have understood what was going on inside my mind so she said.

"Sunaina cannot stay in here forever. As much as it hurts, you have to let her go when that time comes."

"I don't want to. I just want to stay with her forever."

"Do you know both her parents are unwell?" I looked up at her with a surprised expression.

"Before coming here, everyday all she did was either go to the hospital or work in her office. She stopped looking at herself. She stayed up nights worrying about money. Wondering if she is doing enough for everybody." Her words started to sink in more. "I remember how she used to calculate if she had enough money for the month. If she didn't, she would start to cry immediately. Sadly with time, she didn't have the strength to cry as well. It's been so long since she smiled so genuinely. She gave her best smile when she was with you." My mind took me back to the day when we cut her birthday cake together. Her expressions told me that she had never expected something like this from anyone. Seeing me lost in my thoughts, Preeti put a hand on my shoulder. "Arjun, even I know you are the only man who can make her happy. She has a terrible taste in men and because of that she is still now suffering. See for yourself. That crazy Nikhil ruined everything. I hope you can understand this and the seriousness of the situation." I nodded in affirmation and she continued. "Actually Arjun, you are the best match for her but no matter what, she has to return to where she came from. Her parents need her. Her friends need her. The reality cannot be paused forever. She cannot run away from her responsibilities. She cannot escape what she is supposed to do." I looked at her with admiration.

"You really love her a lot. You are a good friend Preeti." She smiled at my words.

"Actually" she started speaking. "Sunaina is that one adult who becomes a kid. She makes me want to take care of her. She is smart and brave yet afraid of negative consequences. She fun yet strict. If I am not around, I know she will be hard on herself. She blames herself everyday for every little thing that goes wrong in her loved ones life. She is one silly girl. Maybe that's why I was never succesful in not loving her. She can be pretty clingy and annoying at times. Other times, she might even seem like a selfish person but honestly, she does gives a lot of efforts when she loves someone. It makes me want to protect her." Her words showed to me how much she loves her. Maybe in real world with Preeti being around, Sunaina will definitely be safe.

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