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I sat down at the same sit I and Farhana sat yesterday waiting for the rude guy. Doesn't he check his time or he enjoys wasting people's time! I was already getting annoyed when I saw him entering the cafe. He was wearing a Royal blue suit and a black turtle neck with a black shoe making him look professional. I wonder his profession. I looked up and saw that he wasn't alone. He was with another guy who was the same height as him. He was wearing a white long sleeve and black trousers. They both looked like they were going to kill with their looks. They were looking around when his eyes landed on me and I saw them approaching. I fixed my hijab and sat down properly.

"Hey" he said coldly "Salamualaikum" I greeted as it seems he doesn't know how to. "Wa alaykum Salam" he replied. "Please sit" I said politely as they both sat down. "So you're my future sister in-law" said the guy beside him and I found myself chuckling. "Keep shut Mahmud and act serious for once" he commanded. This guy is kind of rude and he doesn't even smile but the Mahmud is the opposite of him and I like him already. "Okay father" Mahmud said holding unto his laughter. "Ahem" I cleared my throat as they seem not to acknowledge my presence. "Oh" Mahmud muttered as he brought out a file from his bag and handed it to me.

"This is the agreement papers Miss....."
"Hazal. Hazal Ali" I said
"Oh nice name Hazal. I'm Mahmud" he said and stretched his hands to shake me. "Thank you Mahmud" I said as I left his hand hanging cuz I'm not supposed to shake him. He's a guy. He felt embarrassed as he took his hand back. My so called future husband sat down there like he has no emotions in him at all. I opened the file and scanned through it.

Marriage agreement
I___________ agree to marry Mr Fuzail Ibrahim under the conditions below:
1. We won't interfere in each other's business
2. We will live in separate rooms but under the same roof (to avoid rumors)
3. We'll attend events together and pretend to be a happy couple
4. This agreement stays between us.
5. We'll be married for 12 months then get divorced
And lastly
6. We won't fall in love.

___________ _____________
Sign Sign

I checked before filling my name and signing.
I then handed the file to Mahmud. "Done" I muttered. "So...when will the marriage take place?" Mahmud asked like he's Fuzail's mouth piece. "I don't know. Ask him" I answered him like Fuzail wasnt seated there. Then he turned to him. "I'll have to talk to my mother first then she'll talk to yours or however it works" he stated. My mother.... I don't even have a mother figure in my life. "Uhm....okay why not talk to your father then he'll talk to mine. That's how it works" I simply stated
Both their faces changed. I wonder what I said wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked "You know what? We'll get back to you after speaking to our parents okay" Mahmud said. "No problem. By the way my father doesn't stay here, he lives in another country. So after speaking to your father they can both meet" I said but it's like they became statues all of a sudden. "Get her number" Fuzail told Mahmud as he got up to leave the cafe. What kind of a guy am I planning to marry? "Alright..."
He handed me his phone and I put my number in it. He got up to leave and I quickly asked. "Please who are you to him?"
"His brother and personal assistant" he smiled "oh okay then Salam" I greeted and we both left the Cafe. I saw them entering their car and from the looks of things they're rich. I took a cab and headed home.

"What are we going to do now?" Mahmud asked as I was driving
"I have no idea" I replied
"Let's just tell her the truth, after all she's going to be your wife"
"Uhm... When we get home we can talk to Mama about it" I replied
"Okay then, should I put her number in your phone" Mahmud said smirking
"No. If I need anything you'll talk to her" I replied
"And what if you want to say some love words to her, will I be the one to say it for you huh?" He said chuckling
"Quit being stupid will you?"
" I'm not stupid. I'm just saying something which might happen"
"Never gonna happen"
"I wonder how she's gonna cope with you. Wait....will she live with you and Mama?"
"Nahhh if she does, Mama will find out"
"Your future wife is not that bad, she's pretty!" I looked at him
"Oh sorry I shouldn't have said that, you'll get jealous" I just rolled my eyes, if I reply him then we'll fight
"What's her name again....uhm...Hazal! Yes Hazal! She has a nice name" he said laughing. I know he won't stop talking about this lady. He's gonna keep teasing me. Well the teasing will end after a year.
We got to our house and the gate automatically opened then I parked the car where the rest were packed. My love for cars will never end.
Mama went grocery shopping so I went to my room to take a shower. I kept on thinking if I'll have to see my father for my marriage. No. Never gonna happen.
"Salam! Are you guys back?" I heard Mama's voice. I quickly put on a shirt and a pair of shorts and head downstairs.
"Welcome Mama" I greeted as I took the bags from her. "Mama guess what!" Mahmud screamed as he approached us. "Let her rest before you talk to her fool" I said to him. He dragged her to the couch and the both sat down. "What's wrong Habibi?" She asked him.
He looked at me smirking and I knew what he was going to say
"Zail is gonna get married soon!!!!!" He yelled
"Yes I know. Because I'm gonna help him find a wife as it seems he's disobedient"
She said eyeing me
"You don't have to worry mama he's found a lady and you're going to like her. Her name is Hazal, she's a Hijabi, she..." I didn't even let him complete his statement
"Just shut it! She didn't ask you"
"Oh my goodness! Tell me you guys are not joking!" She stood up and came to hug me.
"Finally my habibi is getting married" she said as she kissed both my cheeks.
"Mama it's not a big deal. I'm just doing it for you" I said as I gave Mahmud a deadly glare. He held his laughter
"I don't care. I want to meet her. I need to see my daughter" she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. She gets emotional easily.
"So what's the point of crying?" I asked as I wiped her tears
"I don't get to answer questions about you and you'll stop going out with different women" if only she knew

"When do you want the Nikkah"
"It's up to you Umma"
"This coming Friday!" She squealed
"What? So quick?" I half yelled as Mahmud choked on the water he was drinking
"It's not quick Habibi. When will I meet her? Bring her to me" she demanded
"Don't worry Mama you'll get to see her tomorrow" Mahmud stated. I'm so gonna kill him
"Yayyyy Finally! Alhamdulillah!"
"Mama..... She wants my father to meet hers" Mama's face changed immediately
"You didn't tell her you don't have one?" She asked
"I thought I'll ask you before telling her"
"Just tell her your father is no more" she said and it was obvious she was angry.
"No need to be angry Mama I'll tell her and I'm sure she'll understand"
"Okay habibi. Have you prayed?"
"Yes we prayed before coming home" I lied even though Mahmud has already prayed
"Okay what should we have for dinner?" She asked "I'll order Pizza" Mahmud said
"Okay I'll go shower" she said and went to her room.
"Mahmud tell her my mum wants to see her and you'll pick her by 12 if she isn't busy" I commanded Mahmud
"Why can't you go pick her up after all you're getting married to her" he said and I quickly gave him a deadly glare
"Fine I'll talk to her" he muttered as he picked his phone to call her.

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