27/No. no. No

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"Hazal...Hazal" I tried waking her up as we arrived in Nigeria. "Mmmmh" she hugged the pillow closer to her body and I found that cute. Wait what?!
"Wake up. We're here" I kept on tapping her to wake up but it seems she's forgotten why we're here in the first place.
Finally, she opened her eyes and took in her environment rubbing her eyes.
"What are y...my father!!" She stood up immediately she remembered everything.
"We've arrived. Get your things ready so we can go" I  said and before I could say another thing, she was already done because she didn't bring much things with her.
We walked to where the car was parked and met Mahmud standing by the door waving at us.
"Ammi and I will go in this while both of you hop into that" he pointed to a white G-wagon.

In less than 25 minutes we arrived at the hospital. Hazal quickly rushed in and I followed.

Hazal's pov
As soon I entered, I spotted my cousin. "Where's Abba?" She held my hand and dragged me to where the rest of my relatives were. "Abba. Where's he?" I was eager to see my father. My eldest aunt stood up and hugged me tightly causing me to cry. "Anty. Where's Abba?" It's quite obvious I'm not ready for a family reunion right now! "He's in the ICU". She said wiping her tears pointing to a ward that said 'ICU'.
No. No. No. No. I immediately fell to the floor crying so hard. I didn't even know when Fuzail got to my side and hugged me so tight. "Shhhh...You're in public Hazal. Put yourself together and everything will be okay" For some reason I felt better in his arms. I felt some kind of peace. I know he's acting in front of my relatives and I got to say, Fuzail is a good actor. I remained in his arms for a few minutes until I heard Mahmud and Ammi's exchange greetings with the rest. Fuzail released his hold and stood up helping me stand as well. I saw a smirk on Mahmoud's face and if not for what was going on, I'd have hit him.

"Doctor! How's he?" My aunt's voice snapped me out of my deep thought and we all stood up rushing to the doctor.

"How's he?"

"What's his condition?"

"Can we see him?"

"Will he be fine?"

"Will you speak already?"

We began bombarding him with questions and he sighed.

"Can I speak with one person?" He asked

"M..me..I'm hhis daughter" I volunteered.

"No. Someone who can take in what I have to say without crying" ouch!

"Let's go doctor" Fuzail stepped forward. He walked together with the doctor and entered somewhere I assume was his office.

After about 15 minutes of waiting impatiently for Fuzail he got out of the office and in no time we were bombarding him with questions like he was the doctor.
"Calm down everyone" he finally spoke

"Just talk already!" I was getting impatient.

"The doctor said he... he is...ah!! I don't know how to say this" he said sighing

"Just speak son" my aunt first me to speak

"He's in a coma"

He dropped the bombshell!

Hello my loves! Do you think this will bring Hazal and Fuzail closer??? Is Fuzail acting?
Here's a short chapter but I'm definitely posting the next chapter soon so you wouldn't have to get tired of waiting. Hahaha

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