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"I said where is Mahmud???! Are y'all deaf?!"
Before they could reply, Mahmud came running and sweating with blood all over his white shirt.

Hazal screamed causing the guards and everyone walking to stare at her. Fuzail held her hand tightly.

"What?????! Mmm...mafia? You guys are mafias??! No no no it's not possible"
Hazal was literally shaking at this point.

After the incident at the airport, Mahmud has been receiving treatments at home and Hazal kept on demanding what was going on.
Fuzail's reply was always "It's nothing serious"

Hazal got fed up and decided to threaten Fuzail by calling his mum and telling her what was happening. Fuzail being the scary-cat he never was, started telling his life history to his wife.

"You see, that's why I never wanted you to find out even after we got divorced. You'll get scared and probably run away"

"Run away???! I'm not crazy! Now your mafia guys or whatever they're called know I'm with you and my life is in danger and my father and and and.." she was cut short by Fuzail's hug.

"Shhh keep calm. I know how it feels for you. This whole thing is new to you. it's all my fault. And hey...look at me" he cupped her face, tears brimming down.

"We may not be like normal couples but since I married you, it's my duty to protect you. Hazal, I promise to protect you with everything in me. I brought you into the whole of this. I'm keeping you away from it" 
With his thumb, he wiped her tears away.
He had no idea what he was making her feel and she also had no idea what she has turned Fuzail to.

Somewhere in the outskirts of the town
A man dressed in a black robe was sipping his wine facing the window. Suddenly, his phone began to ring.

"Speak"  he commanded

"Sir, we tried our best but those guys are tough" the person spoke on the other end.

"DON'T FUCKING TEST ME! DO AS I SAY. I DON'T CARE HOW BUT MAKE SURE YOU GET RID OF THEM. HIM ESPECIALLY. AND HIS LITTLE FAMILY HE'S PROTECTING. CRUSH HIM!!!" He yelled. Without waiting for a reply he ended the call and smashed the phone on the wall.

"Arghhhhhhh!!! I'll finish you and you won't see me coming!!!" He yelled to no one in particular.


Hazal was in the kitchen preparing a meal for the guys. She was worried about how she would continue living with them. Running away isn't an option for her. Her life was somehow in danger. Not somehow, she was in total danger. Her father was in a critical condition while she's living with her dangerous husband.
Speaking of husband, Hazal has been avoiding Fuzail mostly because she was scared of him. She has heard so much about people who are into their illegal business.

After dishing out the meal which was fried rice, peppered chicken, salad and a chilled pineapple drink on the large carpet in the living room (she preferred eating on the floor since it was part of her tradition), she called Mahmud as they were the only ones at home.

"Mahmud!!!! Food is ready my son"
She has gotten used to calling him her son due to his childish behavior.

"Finally. I thought I was gonna die of hunger. And I'm not your son"

"When you stop acting like a child, I'll stop calling you my son but for now, shut up and eat" she commanded with a fake angry glare.

"Okay mummy" and they both laughed.

"Should I be concerned that you're always making my wife laugh whenever I'm not around?" A voice they both recognized as Fuzail's voice spoke from the entrance. Hazal looked at him and turned away immediately then smiled lightly.

"Bro, you're back" Mahmud grinned.

"So happy to see me? I thought I was interrupting both of you" he said with a straight face.

"Jealous I see..." Mahmud replied with a smirk.

Fuzail just shook his head and walked up to his room.

Hazal still had a smile on her face and Mahmud noticed but he didn't want to tease her due to his hunger.

Food before anything. He thought.

Meanwhile, Fuzail was filled with thoughts in his room. He sat on the bed with his elbow on his thigh. He was being threatened on different angles. Was he scared? Not at all. He was one of the most feared in the underworld. And he had one of the strongest or maybe the strongest men. One thing he was scared of was what might happen to Hazal. News was quick to travel to the underworld that he had gotten married. He wasn't suprised but the fact that they were trying to get to him through Hazal was the scary part. She was new to all of this. He never wanted her to get involved but it's no longer possible. He promised her and himself that he would protect her and he always kept to his promise.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. No one ever knocked. Who could it be?
He stood up and opened the door. It was Hazal.
"C..can I..come in?" She never asked such questions. He only moved aside for her to come in.

"I just came in to uhm...grab my stuffs.."

"When did you start asking these questions?" He was confused

She ignored him and walked to the closet.

"I'm talking to you. Answer me"

"When did I become one of your men that you would ask and I'll immediately give you an answer?!" She snapped at him.
He understood where this was going.

"Look Hazal.." she raised her hands to stop him from talking further.

"I don't need your explanations Fuzail. You never explained to me in the first place so there's no need to do that now. I'll be sleeping in the other room from now on" she spoke with so much bitterness. She was angry that he hadn't told her about his life before or even after their wedding.

"I didn't want you to get scared and run away. I was going to protect you no matter what"

"I don't need your protection" she snapped back.

"Just...just sleep here today. Please. I promise to make it up to you Hazal. You've been avoiding me ever since you found out and it's killing me" the tough Fuzail just begged? He just said please? Just because she was angry at him?

Hazal couldn't say a word. She was surprised. He was making her feel...pity? Or maybe care? For him.
It can't be care. She just pitied him. That's all. That's what she thought.

"No. Let me be. I'll continue avoiding you till our contract ends!" She was about to storm out of the room when he held her wrist not too tight.


He didn't say a word.

He was trying to control his anger.

He wasn't angry at her but himself and he didn't know why.

She also didn't know what to say.

Staying close to Fuzail might be a problem she can never get rid of.

She was confused about everything.

Confused about her heart.

I have no idea how to apologise for keeping y'all hanging but I'm really sorry. This isn't the first time I'm doing such thing.
I just don't feel like my story is good enough after reading other books. It feels like the story is not giving what it's supposed to give.
I've received comments from few people who reached out and said they were waiting for an update which really put a smile on my face.
So this chapter is dedicated to you.
Laziness won't make me find the comment and tag you but I'm sure you know yourselves.
Anyways, on to the next chapter.


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