15/Pretence mode

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"Enjoy what?" I asked as I got into the house. But none of them gave me an answer.

"I'm talking to the both of you!"
"You own none of us!" Hazal yelled back.

"You're in my territory Hazal! Watch your mouth!" She wanted to say something when Mahmud stopped her
"Just forget about it Hazal. Zail remember about the rules? No interfering in each other's business? You're actually breaking the rule now" Mahmud said

"How? Is it bad to ask you guys questions?"
Just then my phone rang. I checked the caller and it was Mama. It's been long she called. She thinks I and Hazal are on a honeymoon so she doesn't want to disturb us. Honeymoon my foot
"Hey Mama how are you?" I asked and they both turned their attention to me.
"Habibi! How is my daughter?"

"Mamaaaaa so now you care about her and not me?" I asked with a fake sad face like she could see me.
"Of course she's more important to me. Is she there with you?"
"Uhhh yes" I said and put the phone on speaker.
"Give the phone to her"
I handed the phone to Hazal but the phone was still on speaker
"Salam Mama"
"Wassalam my love. How have you been? How is your honeymoon going?"
"Fine Mama. Everything is fine"

"Are you guys back in Paris?"
"Yes we just got back last night" she lied
"Alhamdulillah. I'm coming to visit you guys in 2 days"
"What? But why Mama?" I quickly asked as I grabbed the phone
"Don't you want to see me?" Well I do want to see her but if she comes we all have to pretend about this marriage. No she doesn't have to come

"I do but...you know I just got married and...."
"Hmm Zail I see you're enjoying your marriage. I'm only coming to stay for a week. I want to attend an event over there so I'm using that as an opportunity to visit. Since you don't want me to..."
"No it's okay Mama you can come. After all I've missed you badly"
"I know you do" she said and chuckled.
"I see someone doesn't miss me at all" Mahmud said
"My baby! You know I miss you more than I miss Zail"
"I can hear you" I said
"I know you can. I'm not lying"
"He's jealous Mama. Please come soon before he kills me"
"He can't kill you my love. He dares not" she said and we all chuckled.
"Okay then bye. I've got to go. See you next tomorrow okay?"
"Okay Mama bye" I said and she cut the call.

"So what are we going to do?Mama is gonna live with us"
"Uh oh! Pretence mode is gonna activate soon" Mahmud said laughing.
"Shut up Mahmud this is a serious case"
Hazal said
"No it's not. You just have to act like couples in her presence and when she's not here you'll go back to being normal"
"And do you realize we have to stay in the same room?" I asked. I can't imagine both of us in the same room. It's either I kill her or it's the other way round and what am I gonna do with Layla.
"Wait what? Oh no that's true. I can't stay in the same room with you. You're annoying"
"And you're nothing less than annoying as well"
"You two should just calm down. If you don't want Mama to find out you just have to stay in the same room. The room is big enough to contain the both of you. You can share it" Mahmud said. He always has a solution for everything. But what about Layla.
"There's another problem...Layla"

"Who cares about her. You know if Mama finds her here she'll chop your heads off. Just tell her you're leaving the country"
"And you think she won't want to follow me?"
"Look I don't care about Layla or whatever her name is. Book a hotel for her or something. Just find an excuse. I'm tired of seeing her here already"
I sighed.
I walked up to my room without even saying a thing. I took my clothes off and went for a shower. Nothing beats a cold shower in the afternoon. After showering I put on a singlet and a joggers and laid on my bed. So many things going on in my head right now. I have a meeting with one of the biggest companies in Paris and I need to seal a deal with them. Mama is coming over and I have to share this bedroom with Hazal. She's so annoying and I hate her. Lastly, Layla, I have no idea how to get rid of her. Honestly I have no feelings for her again. I'll just tell her there's an issue I have to deal with, she'll understand.
I got up from the bed and went to my desk, I picked my laptop and mailed some work to my secretary. I was still working on it when someone opened my door. I turned and saw a smiling Layla. "Hey babe, what you doing?" She said and moved towards me.
"Working. Uhm can I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure, hope there's no problem"
"Not at all. I have an issue on ground and if you don't mind..." I wasn't even done speaking when she interrupted
"Oh no. Hope it isn't too serious" she asked with a concerned look.
"No it isn't and I'm not done talking Laylah" I hate being interrupted.
"Okay continue. I'm listening"
"Okay so if you don't mind, can you leave this house please?"I said. I didn't look at her face, I hate seeing someone hurt.
"Are you saying this because you're tired of me?"
"No. No. It's not that. It's kind of a family issue and I promise if everything is resolved you'll come back here. You just can't stay here for now"
"Let me guess it's about your plain Jane wife. She's jealous of me" she said with a disgusted look
"No it's not because of her. It's another thing"
"Okay if you say so. I'll leave now but promise you'll call me everytime"
"I promise" I said and she gave me a peck.
She packed her bag and I escorted her outside.
Luckily no one was there.
I waited till her car was no longer in sight.


I heard something crash and it was from the kitchen.
I rushed inside and met a confused looking Hazal staring at the floor.

"What happened here?" I asked

"I...I don't know. I..I didn't know the microwave wasn't fixed properly so I..."

"Do you even know how to do anything? Look now you've broken it" I asked as I stared at the destroyed microwave on the floor.

"Just move I'll clear it up, it seems you're too clumsy"

"Don't you know what a mistake is? I said I didn't know"

"You were the only one who used the kitchen since we came here so who could have moved the microwave from where it was supposed to be?"

"Are you kidding me? You want to tell me you haven't entered this kitchen since?"

"The only place I've touched in this kitchen is the fridge and you've been cooking so..."

"I sure know how to use kitchen appliances properly but I guess it's your stupid model lover who lacks knowledge because she also cooked last night and since then I've not entered the kitchen until now!"

"Don't try to blame anyone for your mistake"

"There's no point trying to prove a thing to you. Your brain cells have issues so you can't think properly!"

"Don't you dare insult me! You're living under my roof!"

"Like I begged to stay under your roof!"
We were both fuming in anger.

😂I'm enjoying the fights between these two. So many drama coming up! Watch out! Please drop a vote and comment. If possible share with your fwendsssssss. I love youuuuuuu

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