14/Respect your marriage

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Okay I didn't expect Layla to get back to me. She left me few years back because I asked her to get married to me. She said she wasn't ready, she wanted to focus on her modelling career so she left. I was heartbroken. I lost my happiness. I loved her with everything and now I'm not sure of my feelings towards her. She's back in my life. I don't know why I lied to her about Hazal but I did.
"Babe, can't you hear me? I've been talking to you but you aren't listening" she snapped me out of my thought.
"Uhh...what did you say?"
"I said I saw rumors about you getting married" oops. I guess that's why she came.
"Oh yeah they're just rumors. You know how people can be" I said laughing nervously. Just then my door opened revealing an angry Mahmud.
"Hey! Don't you know how to knock?!" Layla yelled angrily.
"Oh wow. So this is why!" He yelled staring at me fuming with anger. He hardly gets angry but when he does.....
"Calm down. What are you talking about? Don't you know who Layla is?" I asked. He hates Layla.

"Of course I know her! At least respect your marriage Fuzail! She shouldn't be in your house let alone your room!"

"Marriage? What marriage?" Layla asked. Before I could even speak he beat me to it.

"Oh so you haven't heard about your lover's marriage?" He asked laughing
"Oh so it's true. I can't believe you lied to me!" Layla yelled facing me.

"Look Layla it was an arranged marriage. I don't even love her and we agreed to be married for a short time since she doesn't love me back" I don't even know why I'm explaining to her.

"Oh I see but you could have told me. I would have understood" she said coming close to me.

"What is wrong with both of you?! If he doesn't want to use his sense at least use yours. Respect his marriage and leave!" He said pointing to the door.
"You're saying all these because you've always hated me. I won't leave this place. Never. I'm gonna stick with Fuzail forever" she said pecking me.
"You..." He was still talking

"GET OUT MAHMUD!" I yelled

"You'll regret this trust me. I hope it won't be too late. Turn to Allah before you return to him" he said and left the room not before slamming the door.

"Ignore him babe. Let's go out today, it's been long we partied together" she said. I don't know if I should go with her.
"Get ready. I promise the party will take alot of things out your mind" she said as if she was reading my mind. "Okay fine I'll get dressed" I said and went to the dressing room.

Mahmud came out of the room looking angry. I've never seen him this way. "What's wrong Mahmud?" I asked him with concern. "Don't worry about me sis" he said but I could see something was bothering him.
"You take me as a big sister right?" I asked and he nodded
"I've never had any sibling in my life now that I have you, I want our bond to be strong. I want you to tell me anything. I want you to take me as a blood sister you never want to lose okay?"
He sighed before speaking.

"Okay fine let's stroll out then I'll tell you"

"Yay! I've not been outside since we came here. Wait let me go grab my phone, I'll be right back" I said and went to my room to grab my phone.
I went downstairs and found him waiting for me. We started walking and began talking.
"Okay so it's Fuzail..."
"What about him?" I asked
"Uh...his character. He never prays, he goes around with girls, he drinks. It's been bothering me. He has a good personality but he's not on his Deen at all. I.. I feel like I'm not doing enough as a brother" he began sobbing.

"I. Don't . Even know what to say honestly. I never knew he wasn't on his deen. Have you ever tried to talk to him about it? Like tell him what he's doing is wrong?"

"I've tried my possible best but Zail is a very stubborn person. Ever since his father abandoned him and Mama he felt like Allah doesn't love him so he just does whatever he wants" I'm more than confused now.

"Wait a minute. His father is alive? Hold on hold on. You're not brothers? I'm confused" I asked

"Hmmm. Only Allah knows if his father is alive but all I know is that he left them all alone to suffer. And about me, Mama found me on the street homeless. Sis my life is a mess but I'll forever be grateful to Allah"

"Wow Mahmud. I'm so sorry. I thought you were brothers. About Fuzail, just keep talking to him no matter what, never stop reminding him to pray. I know it's not easy but you need to help him. Show him that Allah loves him. I can also help you with that if you don't mind"

"Yes yes yes please sis let's bring him to light" he said and I smiled. Just then we heard the call to Asr prayer. We went to the mosque, Mahmud went to the men section and I went to the ladies section. After praying I said my duas and went outside to wait for Mahmud. I was still thinking of how Fuzail left the deen just because he thinks Allah doesn't love him. I wish I could do something to change that. Just then Mahmud came out and approached me.
"Salamualaikum shall we go?" He asked.
"Sure but can we stop by to get food? I'm hungry" I said patting my stomach and he chuckled. "Yeah there's a restaurant nearby" he said and we went to the restaurant. We didn't eat there so we asked them to package it for us so we could take it home. We chatted as we made our way home. Immediately we got to the the doorstep, we met Fuzail and his lover coming out all dressed up like they were going for a red carpet. She was holding him tight like she didn't want to let go. Gross. They didn't even say a word as the walked pass us.

"Don't mind them. Let's go and eat" Mahmud said and we got to the living room. After eating Mahmud begged me to play 2K20 on his play station with him, I told him I didn't know how to but he insisted. We played and he lashed me. Not surprised. I've never played it before. After laughing at my loss I forced him to watch SpongeBob with me.

"Eeew I can't watch this. Let's watch a movie instead please"

"No! I don't watch movies. I prefer watching cartoons and you have to watch it since you forced me to play with you too" I commanded.
"Oh whatever" we watched the marathon.
"Never knew this cartoon was hilarious" he said and began laughing.
"Gosh this guys are dumb" he laughed referring to SpongeBob and Patrick.
"Now tell me, didn't you enjoy it?" I asked
"Just a little bit"
"Okay fine I enjoyed it" he said and threw his hands up.
"Enjoy what?" We heard Fuzail ask from the doorstep.

Do you think Mahmud and Hazal will fall in love? Or this story will be like most love stories where Hazal will change Fuzail?
By the way this story isn't edited yet ;-)

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