26/Here for you

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He smiled a bit and said "good morning" weird.
"Morning. Good mood I see" I replied applying a sunscreen to my face.
"Kinda"  he gave a short reply and I simply nodded.
"Do you have any plans for today?" He asked strolling down to the window opening the curtains allowing the light rays penetrate into the room. Our room.

"Not re.." before I could complete my statement, my phone rang so I quickly grabbed it from the bed. It was an unknown number. I picked the call and placed the phone on my ear.

No! This can't be! It's a dream!
"What do you mean by collapse? How? It's not my father! You're mistaken!" I tried to stay calm but I couldn't. Tears brimmed down my face. I noticed Fuzail had now moved closer to me with a worried look trying to figure out what was happening.

"Yes ma'am he was at the site earlier today, he was in the building when it collapsed. The police are here already looking for the bodies. I..I don't know if anyone will surv...."

"No! No no no no" I cut the call and ran towards the door but Fuzail quickly grabbed me back.

"Where do you think you're going? What's going on? Talk to me"

"Let me go. I need to go. M..my fffather. Fuzail my father" I managed to say

I was trying all I could to run away but he tightened his grip on my waist preventing me from running.
"Let me go Fuzail! Let me go!" I cried bitterly but all he did was shut the door to the room.

"Shhhh calm down" he tried to calm me down.
"I can't let you go anywhere. Not like this" he said and understood what he was saying instantly. I was wearing just a robe.

"And do you even know where you want to go? No you don't. Calm down okay?" He said and I nodded still crying like a baby.

"Now dress up. I'll be downstairs waiting for you then you can tell me where you want to go then I can take you there"

"Y.you can't . It's in Nigeria. My dad. H..he. A building collapsed on him" I said breaking down to more tears. I saw the look on his face. He gave me a pitiful look.

"Just do as I say. I'll arrange a flight for us as soon as possible. I'll be waiting for you downstairs" with that being said, he left me in the room to dress up. I quickly picked up a gown and tied a hijab around my head. I don't know or care if it matched. I just wanted to meet my dad. Alive. I prayed silently in my heart before grabbing my handbag, tossed my phone inside and dashed out of the room.
I met Fuzail, Mahmud and Ammi waiting in the sitting room. As I reached there, they all looked at me and quickly stood up.
"Shall we?" Fuzail asked and Ammi walked to me hugging me tightly. "Everything will be okay Habibti. We're here for you. Your father will be okay" I just nodded and smiled lightly even though I was at the edge of bursting into tears.
Mahmud gave me a look of sympathy as well.
"Are we all..."
"Yes we're all going" Mahmud said as he knew what I was going to ask.

Soon enough we were in the jet. It was bigger than the one that brought me on my wedding day. It had so much facilities that were meant to be in a mansion. A bedroom, kitchen, dining and so many places I couldn't explore due to the sadness I was feeling.
"We'll be there in no time" Fuzail said with an assuring smile as he sat beside me on the bed. Just like home, we have to stay together because of Ammi.
I nodded and returned the smile.
We sat there in silence as there was nothing to say. The atmosphere became awkward.
"How many jets do you have?" I asked breaking the awkward silence. I just wanted time to pass by quickly.
"Few. Maybe 4? Actually this was gifted to me by a friend" Oh wow. Rich dudes. Friend gifting a friend a jet? Did that just rhyme? Did I just make a rhyme while mentally down??

I nodded in reply.

I'm super super super super sorry for the very lateeeeeee update 😭😭

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