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"at a restaurant mama" I said as I got downstairs. I knew this lady didn't know what to say and I'm glad I got here on time. They both turned to look at me.
"Wow. When? Who approached who first?"

"Mamaaaaa...don't worry about everything, the main thing is that I'm getting married and I brought a wife like you said"

"Okay if you say so. I'm so happy wallah" Mama squealed like a child. I didn't even bother to look at my 'wife' to be.
"I'm glad you are" I replied
"So what's your name again young lady?" Mama asked her
"Hazal. Hazal Ali" she replied and it was obvious she was shy and I used that opportunity to look at her. She was wearing a full length gown, and her hijab matched with it, she also put on a red lipstick which brought out her look. Not bad.

"I'll go get something at the kitchen. Entertain her Zail" Mama said. Oh no. I just want her to leave anytime soon. We both sat there silently then I decided to pick my phone to play some games.
"At least do it for your mum" she finally spoke but her head was faced down.

"What do you mean" I asked without any expression on my face. I don't want her to take me for granted so she'll never see me smile.

"Uh... She's so happy seeing you get married. the best you could do is do what she wants, pretend you're interested in this marriage. Like we agreed on, pretend in public and act normal when we're alone" she's kind of right. I only nodded.
I was about to say something when Mama got into the living room.
She placed a plate of jollof rice and assorted meat on the side table where Hazal was seated. I quickly faked a phone call and excused the both of them.

I wonder why he's just so boring. He doesn't speak. He doesn't smile.
Before I knew it his mother placed food on the side table. "This is for you" she said and smiled.
"Thank you very much ma, you shouldn't have" I dislike eating at people's house
"No need to thank me. You're my daughter now" this woman is so sweet unlike her son.
"How about your mum? We need to meet to discuss the wedding preparations" she asked all of a sudden.
"Uh... I don't have a mother. She died a long time ago" I said looking at the floor. I didn't want to see her sad face."oh my love I'm so sorry about that. May Allah Grant her Jannah"
"Aameen. It's okay mama"
"Have your meal"
"Actually I ate before coming here so I'm full"
"Or you're shy to eat? I'll leave then so you can eat alone"
"No Ma. I'm okay wallahi"
"Okay I'll pack it for you to take home"
"So Fuzail's uncle will talk to your own father then everything will be done"
"Uhm sorry but what of his father?" I had to ask
"He's no more"
"Oh sorry about that"
"It's okay habibty, I'm glad you'll be my daughter, I'll take care of you like a mother" she's so sweet. We chatted for a while and I got to know her so much. She didn't really tell me anything about Fuzail as she thinks I know him already. I only know his name.
After everything Mama packed the food and gave me then Mahmud took me home. Sometimes it feels as if I'm getting married to him. We got to talk in the car and I have to say he's such a talkative.

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