17/You have no business with my life

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I've got to say my first day at work wasn't that bad. I was introduced as the new secretary and I got a lot of love from the employees. I was handed a file which had most of Fuzail's routine and from now on I have to make sure I know everything about his meetings and work stuffs. We finished everything at 3pm and the guys left for wherever but Mahmud got me a driver to take me home. I got into the car but I don't feel like going home.
"Please can you take me anywhere for sight seeing or a park or something. I don't feel like going home now please" I asked politely.
"Sure ma'am there's a park nearby I'll drive you there"
"Okay thank you"
The drive took about 15 minutes. We got to a very big and beautiful park. I got down. "Are you gonna wait for me. I'll be back soon" I asked
"Yes ma'am. You can take your time. It's my job don't worry" he's a driver but now his job is waiting for me. I laughed internally.
I walked into the park and it was more beautiful on the inside.
"No give it to me!"
"I found it first!" I saw two toddlers fighting for a teddy bear
"Heyyyy what's going on?" I asked as I squatted in front of them
"It's meera, she took my teddy bear and isn't giving me" the cute little girl said. I turned to the one named Meera and asked "is that true Meera?"
"No I found it first" she said pouting. She looks cute!
"Uhhh you know both of you can share it right?"
"Share? How?" Meera asked
"By playing with it together. You can also take turns to share it too"
"No I don't want to do that! I want it to be mine!"
"How about I buy you one?"
"Yayyyyy yes I want"
"I don't know where they're selling it" I said scratching my head.
"Look at the seller over there" she pointed
I held both their hands and we walked to the seller. "I want a teddy please"
"How many"
"Uh 2"
I chose the same ones. I collected the one they were fighting for and gave them the new ones.
"Problem solved" I said and smiled to them. They both hugged me.
"What's your name?" Meera asked
"Hazal" I smiled at them
"I like your name!" The other one said
"Thank you! What's yours?" I asked her
"Nice name"
"Mummy is here! Bye Hazal!" They both said and ran to their mum. I smiled at them. Kids. I can't wait to have mine with the true love of my life. Since I started watching movies with Mahmud, I now believe true love exists and I'll find mine one day.
I walked around the park, took some pictures and also bought ice cream. When I got to the shower this morning I found out it was that time of the month so I don't need to bother praying. I walked back to the car and found the driver seated.
"Shall we?" I asked and he started the engine.

Immediately I opened the front door I found an angry looking Fuzail standing.
"Why are you just coming now?!"
"Uhm...I... It's none of your business" I said folding my arms
"Well it is. Since Mama scolded me for not knowing your whereabout! You're not a child for me to be monitoring you!" He yelled and I flinched
"I only went to the park that's all"

"At least you should have told someone!"

"Are you yelling at her because I scolded you?" Mama to the rescue

"Ah no....well I was just asking her why she didn't inform anyone before going out?"

"It's your responsibility to look after her. Why didn't you come home with her?"

"Mama I've already explained to you. She had some extra work to do" He lied

"I don't care. Come in Hazal. Let's have lunch" she said to me and I entered not before eyeing him

I had completely zoned out during lunch when the sound of thunder broke my chain of thoughts.

"Rain! Finally!" I squealed and everyone looked at me including Mama. I love rain, don't mind me

"Uhhh...sorry about that" I said and they all chuckled except Fuzail ofcourse.

We all finished eating and packed the plates. Mama went upstairs leaving the three of us.

After a while of watching tv the guys went to their rooms and I had no choice but to go out in the rain and play alone.

Luckily I was putting on something suitable for the rain. I ran outside like a child and began twirling. I was laughing remembering the time I and Abba danced in the rain throughout and I ended up having fever for more than a week.

I was still laughing on my own when I heard someone speak. I couldn't hear the person so I turned to see who? It was Fuzail and he was standing at the doorstep. A little bit far from me.
I wiped the rain on my face to see him properly. "What did you say?" I asked loudly so he could hear me.

"I said why are you in the rain? Are you a child?" He shouted back.

"I love playing in the rain. It's fun. You should try it too" I said walking closer to him.
I was now few inches away from him. He was completely dried up while I was still in the rain.

"Nah I'm fine. I've never been in the rain and I don't want to be" he replied coldly. He barely smiles.

"You're so boring" I scoffed.

"And you're so childish"  he said rolling his eyes.

He was about to go inside when I pulled him to the rain.

"Are you crazy!" He was angry

"I think so. Just try to live a wonderful life for once and not your boring life. Look. The rain is a blessing from Allah. We should learn to appreciate it"

"You have no business with my life. If it's boring to you then that's your problem!" Even though the rain was blocking my vision a bit I could see he was angry. Yes I have no business with his life but it annoys me the way he lives a boring life.

"I have no business with your life but I'm trying to help you" I said back. We were few inches away from each other.

"Just leave me alone" he was about to leave again and I dragged him back. I'm not that strong but I still tried to pull him back.

"What is your problem Hazal!" He yelled and I flinched.

"I.. I'm just trying to help you.... please just stay in the rain for a while. You'll enjoy it. I promise" I assured him.

"I'm not a child like you!" He walked away and I ran to drag him back. Doesn't he understand? I'm trying to bring light to his life.

"Don't you have sense? Let go of my hand!" With that he yanked his hand away making me fall hitting my head on the floor. He left me there in the rain and I began sobbing. I don't know why I'm determined to help his life but he isn't even helping himself. I sat there crying till the rain reduced. I wiped my face and went inside. Luckily no one was there so I ran to my former room. I left very few of my dresses there before I moved into Fuzail's room. I took a hot shower and changed my dress. I sat on the sofa and began thinking. I hit my head really hard on the floor but he didn't care. Why am I caring so much about him? Why is he so cold? Why do I want to help him so bad? I kept asking myself all these questions.

"Hazal dear. Wake up" I felt someone tapping me. How did I even fall asleep.
I groaned lightly and opened my eyes. It was Mama.
"Why are you sleeping on the floor and in this room?" She asked. I think I slept off.

"I slept off Mama" I said smiling lightly.

"Did you two have a fight?" She asked with concern. I got up and sat down properly.

"Who?" I asked even though I knew she was talking about Fuzail.

"Your husband ofcourse" she said

"No..no" I said chuckling wierdly

"Then why are you sleeping here and not in your room? Look you can tell me anything I'm your mother." She said rubbing the back of my hands.

"No maa we didn't have a fight. I uhh..I actually came to pick something up then I slept off" I lied. Poor woman. I feel bad for deceiving her about this marriage honestly.


"Yes mama"

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