6/meeting his mum

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Hazal's pov:
I just finished praying then I picked up my phone to call Abba. "Habibty!" He yelled "Abba!!!" I replied with the same energy. We're just like best friends. "How are you my love?"
"I'm fine Abba, how are you?"
"I'm good Alhamdulillah, how's your work?"
"It's good, I love it there"
"Masha Allah. So what's up?"

"Uhm.. I've found someone I want to marry....." I was nervous but wasn't scared cuz he's always supporting me. He was silent for a long time before he burst into laughter. "Why are you laughing Abba?" I was confused.

"You? You found someone to marry? Have you forgotten the 'I'm never gonna get married' blah blah blah" he said mimicking me

"But I'm serious this time Abba. We love each other and he wants to meet you to finalize the wedding" i had to lie to father. Oh Allah forgive me for lying.
"Hazal are you sure?" He was concerned
"Yes Abba very sure"
"If that's the case then I'll travel to Ghana then I'll use that as an opportunity to come greet you"

"Yayyyyy I'm finally going to see you. I've missed you!!!!" I squealed like a child
He laughed. This man is so chill that's why I love him. He supports every of my decision as long as it's for my own good.
"I've missed you too. If that's the case I'll book a flight for next tomorrow. When I come you'll tell me everything about this man you want to marry and I'll meet him"
"Okay Abba. Byeeee I've got to go"
"Bye Habibty. I love you. Take care" I hung up and rested my head on my pillow.

Before I knew it my phone was ringing. I checked to see an unknown number. Who will be calling me by this time?
I picked it up. "Salam Hazal" I heard a male's voice.

"Wassalam. Please.... who's this?" I asked as I couldn't recognize the voice. "Your brother in-law Mahmud" I chuckled a bit. "Oh hi Mahmud what's up?"
"Uhm Mama said she wants to meet you....so....will you be free by 12pm tomorrow so I can come pick you up?" So quick? "Oh... tomorrow is weekend so I'll surely be free by 12" I stated
"Okay good. See you then" he replied
I was about to hang up when he spoke up again "uhm I don't know your address. can you please text it to me?"
"Sure" I replied
"Okay then bye"
I stood up from my bed and walked to the wardrobe where my cloths were. I love preparing ahead of time so I decided to pick the cloths I'll wear tomorrow.
I was searching when I came across a gown I've never worn before. It's a flae native gown. It had beautiful flowers printed on it. Perfect. I searched the cupboard where all my hijabs were neatly folded for the one that will match with the gown. I found a red chiffon hijab which was the same color as the flower patterns on the gown. "Perfect" I muttered. Now for the shoes. I'm a big fan of sneakers but for this I'll go with heals. I had only one pair of heals which my dad forced me buy and it fits so well with the dress. So that's it I'm ready for tomorrow. I dusted my bed and laid down. I hugged my pillow. Yes hug! I never put my head on a pillow. I prefer hugging it. Wierd right? I said my prayers and sleep took over me.

I woke up the next morning as the sun was shining directly in my eyes. I forgot to pray Fajr so I quickly rushed to the bathroom luckily for me, it's that time of the month. I took my bath and went to have breakfast. I made tea and ate it with bread and fried egg. I cleaned the apartment and went to check time. It was already 11:40 so I went to my dressing mirror and sat down to do my skincare routine. Yes I have to take care of the skin God gave me properly. After my skincare routine I put on little powder and added little red lipstick. I don't really like makeup but I felt the need to do it today. After my light makeup I started dressing up. I wore my dress, styled my hijab and wore my heels. Good to go. I did a fit check by looking at myself in the mirror and I looked so gorgeous. "Masha Allah" I said to myself. As long as I'm happy with how I look I don't care what anyone says, I never dress to impress. I took a quick selfie and posted on my Instagram story. I was still taking some selfies when Mahmud texted to tell me he was around. I quickly grabbed my black dior bag and zoomed outside then locked the door. As he saw me approaching he came down and opened the door for me. Such a gentle man. I smiled and entered the car. "Salaam sis" he greeted
"Hope you're ready to meet Mama" he said as he started the car engine.
"Maybe.." I said as I was very nervous
"Don't worry you'll like her" he said
I smiled lightly and the car ride was peaceful as Mahmud noticed I don't like talking much.
We got to a big mansion and he horned. Then the gate opened automatically. Wow! Never seen something like this before. Who are these people?
He parked the car beside some other cars. I haven't even seen some of the cars ever in my life before. I opened the door and waited for Mahmud to guide me inside. "Follow me" he said and I walked behind him. We got to a large door and he tapped his phone then the door opened. Wow. Technology!
I followed him inside without even thinking if these people are going to slaughter me or not. I was praying silently in my mind for Allah to protect me. I have a habit for praying for every little thing. As I entered inside I saw the same woman who was with Fuzail the other day at the cafe. She came to me and I quickly greeted "Salamualaikum ma" "wa alaykumussalam" she replied as she quickly pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Sorry about that" she said laughing lightly "I'm just so happy to meet my daughter in-law, come have a sit" I sat down on the comfortable couch. Did I forget to say, the sitting room was massive and the furnitures were more than beautiful. Wow. "Here" she said as she handed me a bottle of water. "Thank you so much" I smiled and collected it from her. "You're welcome. So tell me, how did you and my son meet?"
"Uhh...." I began stuttering
"At a restaurant mama" Fuzail spoke as he got downstairs. Phew. I didn't even know what to tell her.

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