The legend of the white wolf 1

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Serena p.o.v

My name is Serena, Serena William smith I have snowy white hair, big bright blue eyes, im 17 year old im about 5,5 and my birthday is in six weeks form now its also the day I shift in to my wolf yes you heard me right wolf you see I'm a werewolf cool right.

Then there is my mom. she's the beta female, she is about the same size as me well probably a little taller than me i would have to say about 5,9 with dark black hair and her gorgeous glowing green eyes and don't even get me started on River. River is my mom's wolf and my goddess she's just the most beautiful wolf i have ever seen with her dark muddy Brown colored fur and her white paws and also her left ear and the tip of her tail are black.

Then there's my dad's wolf lighting . My dad is the beta of the pack he is about 6,4 with black hair and dark blue almost black eyes and his wolf is a blackish brown colored fur with dark muddy brown paws and the tip of his tail and his left ear is white .

My big brother is pretty much identical to my father but at the hight of 6,1 with blue green eyes like my mother and like my father he has a mixture of both . He has black brown fur, with dark black paws and a tan tip of his tail and left ear.

I could be the only different one you know hell I he different colored hair from the rest of my family . I could be a all gray wolf with no other color mixed In with my fur. I could even be a tan wolf who knows that's the point it's ment to be a surprise.

"Mom, dad I'm of to the pub" I said as I walked to the front door with my guitar on my back.

You see I'm the leader of the band red Prairie that plays at the pub or bar you could say. We only have a few gigs here and there.

I am the guitar player and a singer as well. Next there is Joe who is the bass player then there's Jane the drummer finally there is Kylie the other guitar player.

there all very close friends of mine, we all go to the same school, and we are all in the same grade as well .

I hopped on my motorcycle and drove two blocks down the road to the pub. I Parked my motorcycle in the parking lot. I hopped off , putting my helmet on my seat.

once I walked into the pub I immediately search for my best friend Kylie. she has an attitude sometimes and she's spunky but I love her.

all my friends are werewolves even me, but I can't shift yet.

My mother father and my brother say that they don't care if I can't shift in to my wolf yet or at all they love me for who I am and I'm thankful for that because I don't know If I will ever be able shift in to my wolf.


So I went back in to my books and I felt as if I could go back fix it up a bit I have been geting better at spelling and typing that I feal I should fix up and add to my books I feal that seance this was my first book added on to wattpad that it should the first book I fix so if I don't update any of my other book for a little while don't worry I have not forgotten about you.

I Love you all





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