The legend of the white wolf 5

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Sarena p.o.v

I woke up to screaming and yelling.

To the sound of glass shattering agents the wall the smell of blood Hitting my nose making me cringe at the thought of what could be happining.

I got out of my bed just to come face to face with my dad as he slammed my door opend.

Telling me to be very Very quiet and not to make a Sound or they will find me.

"Serena I need you to stay very quiet and get under your bed and don't make a sound or they will find you do you understand me " he said.

"But daddy i..". I was cough  of by My dad again.

"No buts get ounder the bed now"he said one last time.

So I did what he said and got out of my bed and ounder it all In one go.

After I did that I herd my dad leave the room I sat there just wanting for him to come and waiting and waited but nothing.

That scared me really scared me I got out from ounder my bed just as my big brother slammed the door opened and as he ran in he picked me up Bridal Style and ran out the door and start to the woods where he set me in a Bush and told me not to move at all so I did but I had to help.

"What ever you do rena don't move from this spot I'll come back for you just".......he paused for a minute look both ways and then turn back to me as if he was making sure no one was around. "Rena just stay her for me please"

I didn't want to wait so I wanted to help I wanted to save them so I did the first Reckless thing I can think of.

I ran in to the battle I ran so fast I didn't know I was right there tell I was tackled to the ground.

Out of no where a big black wolf was on me snapping at my neck trying to kill me.

before  they could get to me my mom's wolf took the black wolf to the ground with one slash to the throat there was blood all over me.

My mom being so big in wolf form picked me up In he mouth and carried me to the woods and all while I saw pups an mothers leaning over the dead body's of there loved ones .

Houses on fire.

But what I saw hurt me what I saw will be stuck in my head for ever.

There right in front of me was my big brother laying in the dirt covered in his own blood.

Unknown P.O.V

As I brought the rogues start on to the pack land I told them the boss wants the hole pack killed then take the white wolf and kill her to.

There where some

"Yes Sr",as you wish,let's do this thing then they where off we started off with the alpha and his mate an there kids.

There where screams and the smell of blood that was what we needed to draw the white wolf out of her hiding spot then I saw her standing there in the middle of the battle fealed with the look of death in her eyes and how can blame her she just saw her friends and family murdered right in front of her.

I jumped at her pinning her to the ground trying to get to her neck my black fur soon covers in blood.

I'm still breathing after that so I ran more like limped out of the fight well the others died.


thank you all





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