The legend of the white wolf 34

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Nikolai's p.o.v

She's gone he took her right in front of me. Why can't she lison to me why did she have to leave that room.

Now my brother has her pretty much locked up somewhere in his castle were she can't get free.

"Father" I yelled out passed the body's of dead rouges I'm happy that we didn't loses any of our pack members but some have many injuries that many need stitches.

"Son what is it" he said that to me as he got close throwing a body of a rouge in the pial.

"He Took Her Father Nick Took My Sarena And I Don't Know What To Do". I sad back practice yelling it all out.

"we will find her son we a already know where his Castle is that is if he didn't move her elsewhere" he said .

Dad was right we do know where he lives but we don't know where his or her places are so we will need a map.

We all came in sind the house after we burned the dead body's .

Everyone was sad and angry at them self for not trying to stop there luna from running out to help I new she would fight well but never in my life did I know she was the white demon the one that people were saying lived in the woods.

She is something else am I right she is also mine so what ever i do i will get her back he cant have her she may be his to but he does not deserve him he does not deserve her either.

"Jone get the maps of every place he has been then bring them to my office" i yelled.

"yes alpha" he said back to me as i walked passed him.

"father reminded me to let Jone have a vacation when this is all done and over with all right" I said to my dad.

"anything for you son "he said back.

Sarenas P.O.V

He's gone and has been for almost an hour now the girl that was here has fallen a sleep not to long ago and I was getting hungry.

He left his number but I didn't want to call him I didnt really like him let alone want to call him.

I don't know why but I'm sleepy and hungry and just want to rest then eat yeah I know right so I do what I thought was best at the time and sleep.

Nikolai if your out there please come save me. I thought as I was drifting off to sleep.

Nick P.O.V

I have cameras up in my room just to make sure she did what I said and didn't leave the room.

To my surprise she didn't the person I left with her had fell asleep and it was only a few minutes before she did so I can't get mad at her too much but still.

Nikolai will never find her she's to far away for him to find her anyway.

And she's all mine now.

"What I was saying" said the dark moon packs alpha as he sat back down.

"We haven't had any more sighting of the white demon any were so I believethat the Demon had disappeared" he said .

"The white Demons you say" I said back.

Yes sir it has been told by "passing rouges that the white Demon had been known to kill a single rouge with just one finger that it's power is one that not even the king him self can handle" Said another alpha.

I will find this white Demon and kill it my self if it's the last thing I do.

Well I got to cut this meeting short because if you haven't noticed my mate your future Queen could run away at any giving moment and I don't want that to happen so if you don't mind OUT I yelled at them all as I stud up and walked away.

White Demon you can't hid for long I'll find you and when I do you'll wish you'd never been born.



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