The legend of the white wolf 7

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Serena's p.o.v

The woods that's where I am this is my new home tell I can figure out water or not my uncle  could be trusted.

I've only been here in the woods for two to three days at the most.

Yet in the short time spent here in the woods  there where rogues that  came and go as they wish.

There's one rogue that gets me though his name I heard was ringer he is a good fighter I followed him and his little pack if mutts and yet they still have no idea I'm here or that I am even falling them.

I took a complete set off there samurai swords thought one man killed the other because he thought he took them but I did .

When the time is right I'll take out the rest of them.

You see when my family was here with me ans were all alive we all would train with swords and of course I was the best because they said if I never shift then this I how I will protect my self no doubt they know this would happen at some point.

So when the time comes for the rogues to start moving then I will kill ever last one of them and every filthy rouge I come across will die by my hand I'll make sure of that .

That time came sooner then I though it would they started to move again and I did what I had to I jumped out of the tree I was in.

Reiner seemed  to notice me from the very  beginning and did nothing.

"It's about damn time that you jump out of that tree little one I was beginning to wonder when you would come out though or even if you would come out it seems to me that your game of hide-and-seek has come to an end now am I rong white diamond" Reiner said.

"You new I was there the hole time and you let me be as you watched your one pack of mutts kill each other what kind of person are you"I said back.

"The kind of person that wanted to meet the one they call white diamond with my own eyes to see if you really are what they say you are how many mutts have you killed in the three days you have been a rouge about 44 and for all for what the death of you precious little family" Ringer side back.

He hit a nerve and I flipped I ran as fast as I could strate for him but his people got in the way I pulled out my samurai sword and took evry last one of them down one by one the first one taking down by slashing his throat the other ones were under belly deaths they didnt last long but Reiner when I turned around he was gone bastard got away from me twice and I thought you wanted to fight Ringer now I see you're nothing but a coward.


I added on to this chapter I feel as though it could use more then what I put in to it.




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