The Legend of the white wolf 21

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Serena's p.o.v

I ran as fast as I could  and hit the door with all my might then I I ran in to the door again and again and again tell I heard that  unmistakable crack of the wooden door I ran in to the door one more time.

And when the store finally broke off  it's Henge I ran, I ran as fast as i could, bit the thing is .... is that I felt like I belong here  like I should never leave It Feels Like Home.

Like Something polling me to one spot and well .........well I can't put my fingers on it, its like someone needs me  but still they shut the door and locked it.

Yah like that will keep me in.

"There coming "my wolf yelled.

"There coming" she said .

"Okay okay I know that we run like hell and we don't look back"I said

"Sounds like a plan to me Serena's." She said back.

We were running around the house trying to find a way out there was no place for  me to go every one in the room I stopped and they were looking at me like I was crazy but they were The Crazy Ones.

I really didn't have time for this I looked at them and then at the door that's my Que to get out...

"DON'T LET HER OUT" yelled a voice all to familiar to me.

the backstabber who locked me up in the Hospital wings when I first met him he told me I'd be safe then he lock me in a room.

"Wow there Serena don't run" he said as he walked infrount of me he had  his hands in the I won't hurt you position trying to calm me down."

"Yeah like that's going to work"

"You can't leave it's not safe out there for you not yet anyways" he said

I looked around for something anything that it clicked how would I change back to human if I ever got out anyways

" hey Wolfie do I change back into a human" knowing she would  most likely have the answer to that question I wheated.

"Well Serena all you have to do is imagine yourself like a human and BAM you're human". Wolfie said

"Wolfie if you don't mind me asking  what's your name" I asked

"Well my Serena my name is Uru "she Said

" Uru i like it, it is nice to meat you". I said

"nice to meet you to" she said back

I imagined myself as a human my hair my eyes my skin  and then in a blink of an eye I was human no fur nothimg at all now I was a complete human....

then it hit me there coming.

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