Ch4. Enchanting

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"I've never wore a dress. Not that I's really tight on my waist but it's fine.." y/n said to herself.

"Y/n! Are you done? I want to see!"

Y/n chuckled and opened the door of Sofia's closet filled with dresses.

"It's amazing! Good things there was a dress your size! And it's a beautiful color"

Y/n smiled.

"It does look pretty. But are you's alright I go like this?"

Sofia nodded "why not. You are my guest to the feast! And besides my dad and everyone else already know you are coming. You'll be fine! Trust me! I'll be by your side no matter what!"

Y/n laughed and patted her head.

"Want to go for a walk for a bit? The feast will start soon"

Y/n shrugged "sure"

"Sasha? The sorcerer who came in this morning you told me about? Hm..well I haven't met her yet but if you have a bad feeling. We can keep watch if anything bad happens"y/n said flicking her wand around.

"It's just unexpectedly her coming today..and wanting to perform for us although we already have a royal sorcerer, Mr.Cedric" Sofia explained.

"That is strange. But we will keep look out. If anything happens. But it's probably nothing..ugh this dress is really making me feel weird.."

"princess Sofia! You forgot your necklace!"

Y/n and Sofia turned seeing Sasha running in to hand Sofia a necklace.

"Oh..right. I must have forgotten it..thank you!" Sofia said nervously.

"Oh? And who might you be, my dear?Are you a guest as well?" Sasha questioned looking at y/n.

"Erm.. yes I am" y/n said smiling awkwardly.

Sasha hummed and looked on top of her head.

"Looks like you forgot your tiara! Here this one looks like it fits you!" Sasha pulled her wand out made a spell for a tiara to pop on y/n's head.

"You look very lovely! Well I shall be on my way! See you at the feast my Princesses!"

With that Sasha left.

"Okay, I already hate her..I am not wearing this tiara"

Y/n pulled out her wand and made for her outfit to change to her usual clothes.

"I'm starting to believe she is up to no good.." y/n said fixing her cloak.

"Should we go to Mr.Cedric to see if he agrees as well?" Sofia questioned.

Y/n shrugged "sure"

"Mr. Cedric!" Sofia asked walking into his tower.

He groaned "it's Cedric—wait you got it right" Cedric said smiling.

"What right?"

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