Ch12. Caring

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"Ugh what am I doing wrong?" Cedric complained. Y/n walked over looking at the potion he was trying to make. "Once again, you have a smudge covering the last part" y/n wiped the smudge off.

"Oh..I believe I did.."

Y/n laughed and looked at the potion he was doing. "Is it a..never mind I don't know. What is it?"

Cedric chuckled and moved to a side for Y/n to get a better view. "'s a magnetic spell"

"Magnetic? What for?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

Y/n's smile faded a bit. Cedric noticed and quickly changed his answer "I mean, asking questions are important since you want to learn sorcery. But this potion is a surprise, I'll demonstrate once I'm done. Alright?"

Y/n smiled softly and went back to what she was doing. Cedric look back and saw Wormwood staring at him. "To harsh was i?"

Wormwood rolled his eyes and looked away. Cedric glanced at Y/n who was looking through one of his spell books. Wormwood noticed Cedric's potion shaking, so he tried to get his attention but he was too busy staring at Y/n.

Y/n heard the noise and turned seeing the potion rattling "Cedric! Your potion!"

Cedric quickly turned and noticed. Y/n was about to pull Cedric away but it was too late the potion exploded in his face.

"Oh Merlin's mushrooms.."

Y/n grabbed a near by cloth and walked over to him "you should pay more attention to your potion Cedric"

He groaned and his eyes widened as he saw Y/n's hands reach up to his face. He backed off "what are you doing?"

"Cleaning your face, it's covered in filth. Hold still will you?"

Cedric gave in and leaned down and let y/n place her hand on his cheek. She gently wiped the filth off his face, her eyes scanned his features and stop seeing the bags under his eyes. "Do you sleep?- no stupid question you don't"

Cedric opened his mouth then closed it. "What do you expect? I'm the royal sorcerer"

"And the royal sorcerer needs sleep, I am your apprentice meaning I should look after you and help you with whatever you need. And you need sleep"

Cedric rolled his eyes , y/n threw the cloth to his face and walked over to his spell book.

"Enough of spells"


"But nothing! You are heading to bed come on"

Cedric narrowed his eyes looking at y/n, she just glared back.

"Ugh all right. But what if the king-"

"I will handle it alright? Besides it's almost sundown. Come on hand over your robe"

Cedric groaned and gave in taking his robe off.

"Here it is..uh y/n? You're staring"

"Oh shit sorry"

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