Ch16. Hiding

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"You do realize you have a wound? A deep one. I barely managed to heal it. What happened to you?" Cedric asked worried settling y/n back down on the sofa.

Cedric waited for a response from y/n, looking down and saw y/n gripping Cedric's hand. Trembling.

"He wanted to kill me.."

"W-what? Who? Who tried to kill you?..y/n?"

"My own fucking brother tried to kill me.."

Y/n's grip tightened on Cedric's hand, "selfish arrogant piece of shit!"

"Y/n, please keep your voice down.."

Y/n turned to Cedric's face, softening up seeing he had a worried face on.  "I-I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for raising my voice.." y/n muttered plotting her head into her hands. "No need to apologize..but, why did you're brother try to kill you? What happened?..I swear I'll make him pay for what he did-"

"No! No Cedric. I don't want you getting hurt. No.."

Cedric looked down seeing Y/n squeezing his hands "but y/n. You can't just ignore it, look what he did to you. You're badly injured"

"Cedric it's fine. It'll heal, besides you casted a spell to heal it.."

Cedric looked at Y/n worried. "A spell won't be could..he do this? He could have killed you!" Cedric huffed standing up and pacing around the room.

"Oh lord..what if he did managed to kill you!? We wouldn't know about it! I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that I couldn't tell you" Cedric stopped noticing he was confessing something he never wanted to do, he looked at Y/n who was staring at him. Clueless.


Cedric turned away when he felt his face heat up. " I should get you..tea! It'll warm you up! Haha! Yes, I'll return in a bit!"

Y/n was about to call to him but he hurried up the stairs and out of the tower. Y/n looked at Wormwood who rolled his eyes and flew back to Cedric's workshop.

What was he going to tell me..


Oh! I'm such a fool! I can't believe I was about to confess to y/n! Oh if she found it..she'd definitely hate me! I'm such an idiot!..

Cedric hurried down the stairs and made his way to the kitchen. No servants, all dark. He quickly made tea and hurried back to his tower.

Wait..did I just leave y/n alone?- of course I did! Oh lord, knowing her she'd probably moved from where I left her. I have to hurry!

Cedric made it to the top of the stairs to his workshop, panting.

"I shouldn't have ran..but this is Y/n. Who knows what she's done..already.."

Cedric opened the door and saw y/n at his desk. He sighed, walking his way over to y/n settling the tea down. Y/n looked up at him and thanked him.

"What are you doing up here? You were supposed to stay where I left you and rest"

Y/n shrugged "you casted a healing spell on
me right? Feeling much better..ow-" y/n was about to stand up confidently but then slouched holding her side. Cedric grabbed her arm so she can lean on him.

"see, y/n you're not in the right condition to be moving!"

y/n grabbed a tight grip on Cedric's hands before speaking "what did you want to tell me" she muttered loud enough for Cedric to hear.

"What?..I- Um.. it's best you drink your tea while it's hot-"

"Don't ignore my question, Cedric"

Y/n said righting the grip on his hands looking up at him. He looked away so she wouldn't see his face heating up.

"You'd..hate me if I tell you..." He muttered.

"I'd never hate you! Sure you're mean at time but I'd never hate you. Besides you're teaching me sorcery, how can I hate you?"

Cedric slightly glanced back at Y/n. "And..I apologize for acting harsh with you but..I just can't tell you"


Y/n let go of his hands and grabbed his face so he'd face her. "Talk to me, I promise whatever you say will never make me hate you-"

"Alright! If I said that I'm in love with you will it make you hate me!?"

Cedric spat without realizing what he just confessed. Y/n's eyes widened loosing her grip on Cedric's face. "no, that came out to fast- I-I wasn't thinking straight-um I-"


Cedric stopped and looked at y/n. "..really what?"

"Did you mean what you said?"y/n stopped at the loss of words. Y/n looked down now feeling her face heat up.

Shit shit. I expected him to say something totally different! Not that he is in love with me!

"Of..course I meant what I said..but do you hate me now that I said it? I'll understand if you do-" he muttered

"What? No I don't hate you! It's..quite the opposite.." y/n lowered her hands from Cedric's face to his chest.

Cedric sighed in relief "well thank goodness for that"

"You really thought I'd hate you for that? Cedric you're allowed to have feelings! You telling me that doesn't stop me from loving you- shit" y/n smacked her hands onto her mouth.

Cedric smirked and grabbed y/n's arms gently, pulling them down. " feel the same way I'm guessing?"

y/n sighed "yes Cedric I do feel the same way.."

Y/n heard Cedric chuckled, her eyes widened seeing he motioned her head up for her to look up at him. "You know..there is something I've wanted to do for a while now.."

When did Cedric gain confidence!? He's usually nervous and awkward!?

"y-yeah..? What's that..?"

holy fuck holy fuck

Cedric leaned in, y/n did the same nervous. Slowly the gap between them closed.

With that they finally kissed.

Jeez this was hard to write! I didn't know how else to write it but I wanted them to kiss and be together already! Sorry if you felt it rushed! But now they know they feel the same way for each other now I get to write what I wanted to write for a while. Enjoy!

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