Ch9. Lessons

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"Lessons? Hm alright. I do want to learn about sorcery, so why not?"

"The castle is huge.." Ethan muttered holding Y/n's arm and walking behind her.

"I want to come here often with you.."

Y/n laughed at Ethan's comment "if your dad lets you"

"I also have to learn a bit since in Royal Prep the fairies are showing us about magic!"

"That's so cool! They don't show that at my school"

"But I can teach you when you come to the castle with me~"

Ethan smiled "but grandma and dad don't like sorcery. Do they know?"

"It's our little secret okay?"

Ethan nodded.

They made their way up to Cedric's workshop, Sofia knocked on the door the opened it revealing Cedric at his desk. "Hello Mr. Cedric!"

Cedric jumped from her voice and turned see Y/n and Ethan. "Y/n! What a pleasant surprise! Haven't seen you in a while!"

He's happy to see me..? That's a change

"Um yeah haven't seen you in a while too" y/n said awkwardly.

Cedric stood up and walked over to them.

"Right then. Shall we start?" Cedric said flicking his wand upwards


"Very impressive Princess Sofia. You have improved from last time"

"That's great to hear! I have been practicing" Sofia said smiling then looked up seeing Y/n and Ethan going through Cedric's bookshelves.

"Looks like they are enjoy being here"

Cedric looked up and saw them and slightly smiled. "I suppose you're right.."

"Can we try this one?"

"Looks easy enough, why don't you try it on your own? I'll guide. Here"

Cedric saw how Y/n handed Ethan the wand he gave her to borrow. Him not realizing he was staring and Sofia was trying to get his attention.

"Mr. Cedric? Are you okay?"

"What? Oh Um yes I am sorry, what were you saying?"

"You did it! That's awesome!" Y/n said.

"Sorcery is fun!" Ethan cheered.

Y/n skimmed to the book she had in her hand looking at the many potions that can be made. "It really is.."

Ethan placed the wand down and grabbed another book flipping through the pages. "Why doesn't dad and abuela like sorcery?" Ethan asked.

Y/n looked up from her book and to Ethan, she shrugged "cause it's..something we aren't supposed to do"

"Then why are you doing it?"

"Cause it's something I like to do"

"Does Abuela know?"

"Nope, that's why it's a secret" Y/n said whispering then smiled.

Ethan nodded. "I like it too! It's fun. I'm going to see what Sofia is up too"

Y/n nodded not looking up from her book. Ethan hurried off and to Sofia's side.

Hmm I can try this one..but it looks a bit hard.

I haven't tried making a potion before. Well only with my mother but on my own? Not really..

"Looking through a book of potions I see?"

Y/n looked up and saw Cedric looking down at her.

"Uh yeah yeah. I've never made a potion before so..I wanted to see the different kinds of them"

"Would you like to try and make one?"

"Oh no. I don't think I can do that—"

"You wanted to practice Sorcery aren't I correct? I'll help you with it"

Cedric offered his hand out to her.

She thought for a second and took his hand.

"Alright, let's see what potion we should do.."

"Hm doesn't seem to hard..just follow the steps right?" Y/n asked Cedric.

"Yes. Just complete simple steps, this potion isn't hard"

Y/n nodded and looked back in the book. "You'll be helping me right? I don't know half of this items"

Cedric chuckled and walked besides her. "Don't witches make potions? With their cauldron or whatever"

"Yeah, but I never made potions! My mother didn't allow it. Just use this old thing" y/n said taking her wand out.

"Well then, I'll teach you. So I won't have to help you next time"

"Next time? You want me to come back again?"

"Didn't you want to learn sorcery? Hm?"

Y/n looked at Cedric then smiled "yeah"

"Well then. Let's starts you're first potion then"

"They seem to be getting along" Sofia whispered to Ethan.

He nodded "he seems nice! Y/n told me he was mean"

Sofia giggled "he can be mean but he can be nice in his own ways. Besides I gave him a talk about his attitude. And he seem to take it, he is being nicer to y/n!"

"I think he likes my aunt" Ethan whispered.

Sofia smiled and looked back at Y/n and Cedric who were both smiling.

"I think so too"

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