Ch6. Workshop

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"Why are going up to his workshop again?" Y/n asked.

"I'm practicing sorcery with Mr.Cedric! I thought maybe you'd like to come!" Sofia cheered.

Y/n smiled.

"That sounds fun"y/n said.

Sofia knocked and they heard an annoyed groan.

"Oh come in"

Y/n opened the door for Sofia and smiled as she saw Cedric lazily got up from his chair.

"Oh hello Princess Sofia" Cedric said forcing a smiling and trying to ignore Y/n.

Y/n just walked around looking through his book shelves.

As Sofia talked with Cedric about what to learn next, she talked about how the king as an announcement to make later today.

Cedric kept side glancing Y/n as she picked out books to skimming through them.

He got annoyed by her touching his stuff, he wiped his wand out and levitated the book up out of her grasp.

She sighed and sent him a glare.

He smirked.

"So! What should we start first?"

Sofia's voice knocked him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, well I can't possibly teach you in this mess! Perhaps come another time—"

"Why don't I help clean up your horrible workshop" Y/n said forcing a smile.

"Like an apprentice! Like me!" Sofia said.

Cedric groaned.

"I don't need another apprentice.." he muttered.

"Looks like you need one from the looks of it" y/n said looking around his workshop.

Cedric looked at Sofia who was making a face to try and convince him.

"Ugh, it's not like you come here everyday" he said giving in.

After a while his workshop was looking better.

Sofia was up with Cedric learning a bit more of sorcery and Y/n was downstairs of his workshop reading books.

Cedric gave her an old wand of his that she could use to practice some spells.

"Seems like you're getting the hang of it.." Cedric said to Sofia.

An knock interrupted them and the door swung open showing Baileywick.

"The king is requesting the present of both of you. Come down quickly"

"We'll be down there in a bit!" Sofia said.

"Oh I have to get Y/n—"

"Don't bother, I'll get her"

"Oh okay! See you in a bit!"


"Alright, now to talk with that girl.." Cedric muttered and quietly made his way to where Y/n was.

"I could try that one, but it may be a bit difficult"

Is she talking to herself? Pfft who talks to themselves?...oh right I do

Cedric thought and stopped as he heard a hoot.

"I don't know Ollie. Maybe I should rethink this..this isn't for me....I know but what will my mom say? And Evan? Let me not even mention him. He'll beat the shit out of me.."

"what..?" Cedric muttered.

Cedric peeked over seeing Y/n talking to a small Owl.

The owl flew to a book and picked it up and placed it on her lap.

"Hmm you recommend this one?"

Cedric saw it was one of his books he used to use for his basic spells.

Wormwood flew down onto his shoulder.

He got startled by his present and tripped over his own feet and own the floor.

Y/n jumped seeing Cedric unexpected come in.

"Cedric what the heck!?..did you trip down the stairs!?" Y/n rushed to him, helping him up.

"Erm..yeah you could say that.." he muttered supporting his weight on y/n.

"Did you hurt yourself?..yesh there is a bruise forming on your face"

"A bruise? Where?—gah!?"

Y/n cupped his face and used her thumb to rub on the bruise.

"Does it hurt?"

Cedric stared at her since he was shocked by her action.

"Does it?"

" Not really.."

Y/n let go and picked up her books.

"Are you and Sofia done?"

Cedric cleared his throat and grabbed the books from Y/n.

"Apparently the king has to make an announcement and we have to be there..well probably me"

Y/n sighed "yeah, yeah. Cause you're the. Royal sorcerer"

Then y/n grabbed the books from him.

"Then why don't you go then. I'll clean up my mess. Don't worry about me"

Cedric scoffed.

"You don't expect me to just leave you here in my workshop?"

Y/n groaned

"Don't want to disappoint the king now do you?"

Cedric was about to speak but then had his mouth shut.

With a flick of his wand the room they were in was clean.

"There. Now let's head down shall we?"

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