Ch21. Uninvited

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After Cedric and Y/n went to celebrate Wassailia with the royal family they both wanted to spend some time alone. So y/n prepped a small date up in the observatory.

"Darling where is your hand?"

Y/n turned and grabbed Cedric's hand which was roaming in the air trying to find her. "Sorry Cedric, here we are almost there!"

Cedric chuckled "love, where are you taking me?"

"If I tell you it won't be a surprise, silly"

" that is true. But please don't let me trip and—"

Cedric tripped over his own feet falling onto y/n's chest. "Sorry!"

"It's alright.."

Cedric blushed under the blindfold acknowledging he fell right on her chest. Where you know, her boobs are.

"Are we almost there darling? I don't want to look like an idiot with this blindfold on"

"Okay okay stay there, don't move!"

"I don't plan to"

Y/n smiled idiotically, running over to the the blanket she had spread out with snacks and other things. She picked up her wand Cedric gave her and casted a night sky spell, stars scattered everywhere.

"What are you doing? I can hear the patter of your feet all over the place" Cedric said with a chuckle.

"Okay! Open them!"

"What were you do—ing..oh my.." Cedric was astonished by the spell y/n casted and seeing all she's done for him. "I um, wasn't quite sure if the painting I did was enough and I wanted to make something even more better since you deserve better! And so I did this..Sofia helped me out. I hope—do you like it? Was it too much? Or not enough? I can do something else—"

As y/n was rambling, each word she said Cedric inched closer to her and then placed his finger on her lips shushing her.

"Darling, I have no words to explain how grateful I am to have you. All of this is magnificent. You putting so much effort into this melts my heart. Really, you didn't have to do all this but thank you. The spell you did was similar to the one I had in mind to show you as your second gift"

"really? What's the spell?"

Cedric glanced down at the half-hearted necklace y/n had on, it was Cedric's first gift he gave her.

"Oh nothing that important, it was just like this but.." Cedric whipped his wand out, muttered some magical words and pointed up at the ceiling adding an addition to y/n's spell. Snow.

Y/n's eyes widened seeing it was snowing inside the castle. "'s so..enchanting"

Cedric nodded and pulled her to the small picnic she set up. "So what do we have here?"

"Just a few things that you and I like..our favorites snacks and stuff"

Cedric smirked and pulled y/n by her waist into his chest and whispered in her ear "well I see something I indeed like"

Y/n already turning red pushed Cedric's face away "oh stop. Remember anyone can walk in at any moment"

"W-what?—what are you implying? Y/n? Hey don't ignore me!"

Y/n giggled looking away.

"Small snowman" y/n muttered playing in the small amount of snow there was around in the observatory due to Cedric's spell.

Cedric chuckled and said "you're a child"

"I am not. I'm doing something anyone else who loves snow will do"

Cedric kneeled down to y/n's height " although I love seeing you and how adorably you act but I must get rid of this snow"

Y/n pouted and leaned into Cedric's chest, crossing her arms

"Don't get upset darling, you know we can go outside as well"

Y/n looked up to look at Cedric "you're right. Let's go then, wait we have to clean up-"

"Don't worry I can deal with that."

With a flick of Cedric's wand everything in the observatory was all cleaned up. "Oh Cedric you didn't need to do that I could've—"

"Nonsense, it was quick and easy and it also gives us more time to go in the garden right?"

Y/n smiled and nodded, pulling Cedric to his feet. " right then, let's go!"

"You do plan on putting on warm clothing right?"


"Y/n! Wait! Your coat!" Cedric shouted running after y/n who was already sprinting to the garden that was covered in snow.

Cedric sighed stepping into the coldness of the garden. Walking around looking for y/n he saw her, she was laid on the ground on the snow.

"No darling, please get up. And put this coat on. Y/n..?"

Cedric walked closer and noticed a bit of red spots near her head. He paused.



"I'll be taking that"

A figured behind Cedric snatched y/n's coat from his hand and pushed him face first into the snow. Walking over to y/n watching her unconscious body.

"Bastard! What did you do—gah!?"

"Now now. Don't even think of getting up sorcerer."

It was the voices of y/n's mother and brother.

"Evan pick her up, we have to plan out our next move to conquer this kingdom"

Cedric tried getting up but Y/n's mother casted a spell preventing him to get up. "Stay down Sorcerer. I'll need you later but now stay away from y/n"

Cedric struggled stills trying to stand up "d-don't you dare take her!—augh!?"

"Shut up. She's my daughter and I can do whatever I want"

"N-no! Don't! Y/n!!"

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