Ch10. Small Moments

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"These one's right?"

"Yes, exactly. Why don't you pour it in? Just a tad bit not too much"


Y/n carefully poured in the magical ingredients into a beaker making the liquid inside change color.

"It's supposed to change color right?" Y/n asked.

"Um..Yes Yes" Cedric said leaning over to the potion book. Y/n smiled happily. "Where's that dead flower?"

"Right here!" Sofia chimed bring the dead flower to Cedric's desk and placed it down. "Thank you, I pour it?" Y/n muttered leaning over Cedric's shoulder looking at the book.

"It's that was the last step so yes"

Y/n smiled "the whole thing or a drop?"

"A drop"

Y/n nodded and carefully placed the dead flower in place and hovered the beaker over it.

"Don't mess up~"

Y/n frowned and used one hand to push Cedric's face away. She carefully poured a droplet then backed off. "Did what?"

"Wait for a reaction"

Y/n stared at the flower intensely. Soon it's color began to return and the dead flower came back to life. Y/n's smiled widened and she jumped in excitement that she was able to do a healing potion.

"Well done Y/n. Very well done"

"Great job Y/n! You did a healing spell!"

"Gosh I thought it was going to go wrong.."

"Well you weren't interrupted at anytime so you were able to successfully make the potion—"

Right as Cedric was speaking there were three knocks at the door.

He groaned "come in"

Baileywick walked in through the door "Sorry if I am interrupting anything—"

"You are.."

Y/n nudged Cedric's elbow.

"But Queen Miranda is asking for the presence of Princess Sofia"

"Oh okay. I'll be right down, I'm going to see what my mom needs. You okay staying here Y/n?"

She nodded.

Sofia smiled and hurried off.

Y/n has been coming to Cedric's workshop often now to practice spells or potion and helping him out. Like an apprentice.

Cedric has been enjoying Y/n's company since she brings lightness into his darkness. He enjoyed every moment with her, every small moment.

"Hey Cedric, do you need this for your potion?"

"Hm, I believe I do. Thank you my dear"


"Ugh! Why doesn't this spell work!"

Y/n walked over to the spell book Cedric was looking at. She laughed "what? Are you making fun of me?"

"Cedric there is filth blocking the last step you idiot"

Cedric looked back the the book and saw where y/n cleaned and there was a last step, he sighed.

"What will I do without you?"

"Keep messing the spell up?"

He laughed and smiled.

"Yes I would"

"Crap I can't reach this book..I left my wand at home.." Y/n muttered. As she was reaching for a book, it floated down and into her hands.

She turned to Cedric "I almost had it"

"Not quite, I saw you were barely there"

Y/n blushed "you were watching me?"

A pink blush scattered on Cedric's cheeks.
"Um—yes! I mean not like staring at you from a while no no—I just glanced and saw you struggling! I just wanted to help!"

Y/n laughed "Well thanks. I appreciate it"

"Good" Cedric turned back to his desk.

"Need some assistance?" Cedric asked peering behind Y/n who was trying to make a rock turn into a Ruby. She sighed "this damn rock won't turn into a Ruby. How can Sofia do that?"

Cedric chuckled and grabbed Y/n's hand "you're holding the wand to low, it's just like holding you're witches wand. All you have to say it Mutato Rubio. That's all"

"Oh shoot I forgot you had to say something. I was just imagining it in my head"

"Well that's one of the steps. First point your wand at the rock..good now imagine what you want it to be then say.."

Y/n took a deep breath and said the magic words. The rock began to twitch then it turned into a Ruby.

"See, you did it"

Cedric let go of Y/n's hand and she grabbed the Ruby. Her smile widened "this looks so cool.."

"Indeed it does"

There was then a knock on the door and Sofia entered. "Y/n! You ready to go?"

"Hm? Oh yes! Thank you Cedric! Here this is for you. Bye!"

Y/n quickly hugged Cedric and grabbed his hand placing the Ruby in his hand and left.

He smiled at the Ruby in hand.

"I wish that hug lasted longer.."

"Uh Cedric? Are you okay?"

Cedric shook his head out of thought.

"What? Oh yes. Sorry. What were you saying?"

"Need any help with that spell of yours? Looks like you're having trouble"

Cedric looked back at his wand in hand and the spell book in front of him.

"I believe so, you always find something wrong I'm doing"

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