Ch17. Stay

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Y/n and Cedric separated, looking at each other. Cedric's eyes widened and stepped back.

"O-oh! I'm sorry! I should have asked!" He said covering his red face. Y/n smiled and pulled Cedric's hands so she can see his face. "It's okay, really. Besides I enjoyed it.." y/n said smiling softly cupping his face and pushing a strand of his bangs out of his face.

"You know..I thought that you'd hate me for confessing my love for you" y/n said with a laugh. Cedric placed his hands onto of hers. "What? Never! I would never hate you.." He said softly.

Y/n smiled, Cedric smiled back
and brought y/n's hands down intertwining her fingers with his. "you still have to rest you're wound you might take a while for it to heal."

"Are you saying that I have to stay here with you?"

Cedric chucked "yes you have too"

"Well I have no problem staying with you"

"I don't think that's a good idea darling.."
Cedric said looking up from his spell book.

"It'll only be for a little while! I don't feel like going back.."

"well of course you aren't going back! I won't let you. You are able to stay here as long as you need. But still, why not tell the princess? I'm sure she'll come in and ask for you"

Y/n sighed, leaning against the bookshelf. "You're right..and I don't want to lie to the princess, she'd want to help me but I can't get her in danger.."

Cedric sprinted pulling y/n to him, away from the bookshelf.

"what gives?..oh"

Y/n saw that as she leaned against the bookshelf it made some books come out of place about to hit her in the head but Cedric pulled her.

"if I didn't pull you, you'd be injured more."

Y/n smiled and looked up at him "Aww, you care about me!"

Cedric blushed and pulled Y/n closer "of course I can I not? You mean everything to me"

Y/n quickly pecked a kiss on his lips. Cedric eyes widened from the sudden action. He smirked and placed his hand behind her neck making her lean in.

"Why don't we make that little action you did last a while longer.." Cedric whispered leaning in.

Slowly and slowly they both leaned in, but suddenly there was a knock on the door, the rhyme of the knock made Cedric and Y/n realize who it was.

"Oh no the princess!" Cedric whispered.

"Mr. Cedric! May I come in?"

"I- um- Just a moment!"

"Why is she up to early?" Y/n questioned.

"You have to go hide..go up to my bedroom! I'll distract the princess!"

"Okay okay!" Y/n grabbed Cedric's face quickly kissing him and rushed up stairs.


Cedric smiled softly and quickly opened the door for Sofia.

"Ah! Princess Sofia, is there something you need?"

"Is that so.? Well I haven't seen her since yesterday..have you gone to her cottage?"

"I have, no one is home! I wanted to ask y/n what she would be doing for Wassailia day." Sofia said.

"Oh right, it's in a couple of days. Well princess I'm not sure what to tell you, um maybe she went out with her mother or whatever. I'm sure she'll come around. Now excuse me I have spells to practice"

Cedric softly pushed Sofia out to the door.

"Alright..but will you tell me if you do hear about her?"

"Of course! Now, bye-bye!"

Cedric slammed the door and sighed in relief. "Worried huh?" Y/n asked looking down at Cedric from upstairs.

"Very. I swear she'll come by later again.."

Y/n frowned and began walking down the stairs "well..if it bothers you that she is coming I'll tell her I'm here-"

"No no no no. I apologize for making it sound like that. You have to keep a low profile. We can't let anything happen to you!" Cedric said holding y/n's shoulders.

Y/n smiled softly placing her hands on his. "It's okay. I can't keep hiding from the princess. I have to tell her eventually. Look, I bet as long as I stay here I'll be fine. I don't my mother or brother will do anything rash"

"but darling.." y/n placed a finger on Cedric's lips to shush him.

"It's okay. I know what my brother is capable of, all I got to do now stronger than him!"

Cedric chuckled and brought Y/n close to him.

"I love that you're so determined and confident, unlike me.."

Y/n scoffed and pushed him a bit "I'm not always determined and confident. I just want to sound tough in front of you.."

Cedric smiled and leaned his hand against hers.

"You are tough. Very tough and strong and I'm..the complete opposite"

Y/n smiled and cupped his face.

"In my eyes you're my knight in shinning amour"



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