Ch14. Journey

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"Hm, sounds fun"

"Fun!? Are you out of your mind? Have you not heard of the rumors of-"

"Grow up. Cedric seriously, how can that be true? You have proof?"

"I-" Cedric was about to speak then shut his mouth. "Besides if anything does happen, we'll be here to protect you" y/n said taking her wand out. "You mean I'll do the protecting? I know how to handle the wand more than you" Cedric said taking his wand out.

"So do I. I've been practicing-"

"From this morning I believe you need more practicing.."

"It was an accident!"

"An accident means you aren't ready!"

"You know what. You can't tell me what to do.. So James where we heading?"


"How far are we going..? Why did I agree to come?" Amber complained. "I forgot you were still here" James said.

Y/n snorted from his comment " Are we lost?" Sofia asked "hm..I think-"

"We're lost!?"

"Amber you didn't let me finish! I said I think we're-"

Y/n pulled the back of James's shirt before he walked into a tree.

"Oh thank you..anyways as I was saying Amber.."

"Would have but funny if he walked into the tree" Cedric whispered chuckling, y/n nudged his elbow "what? Am I wrong?"

"Always are.."

"What!? I am not. You are, you're the one who messes up every spell!"

"Hey! That's why I'm practicing! It's not like you're any different. The only reason you're doing better is I'm helping you. You mess up at the littlest things!"

"Alright sure.."

"Cedric. Every potion you've messed up is because there is smudges on your books. At least I keep my things organized!"


"Enough! From the both of you!" Said Sofia trying to separate them.

"She started it!"

"Did not, you were the one complaining!"

"I do not!-"

A loud rawr was heard from the distance, stopping their bickering.

"what was that..?" Y/n muttered.

"See! This was a bad ide-"y/n smacked her hand on Cedric's mouth to shut him up.

"Woah! Look at this place!"

Y/n placed her hand on James's shoulder, seeing many mystical creatures.

"It's best we don't make any noise.."


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