Ch8. Company

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A few days has passed.

Sofia hasn't been able to be with Y/n cause of royalty things.

Cedric actually missing Y/n's company.

"That Princess hasn't come by yet?"

Y/n shook her head.

"Hm, well what a pity. Hopefully she does come by..or it will ruin my plan"

"What Plan Ma?"

Y/n's mother shook her hands in the air.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it. It's just an honor you friends with royalty!"

Y/n's mother walked over to her and hugged her.

Y/n smiled nervously.

"W-well I'm going to my room if that's okay"

Y/n's mother nodded.

Soon later Y/n's mother went to knock on her door.

Y/n was going through the spell book Cedric gave her and she quickly hid it under her bed.


Y/n looked up and saw her mother at her doorway.

"Someone came to see you~"

Y/n tilted her head in confusion.

"Hurry up them, she's waiting!"

Ah, Sofia

Y/n walked out her room and saw Sofia sitting at the dinning table.

" oh Sofia. Hi"

"Hi Y/n! Sorry not being able to hang out the last few days. I've been busy with royalty things"

Y/n smiled "it's okay, I understand you're a Princess"

"But Today I'm not busy! I thought maybe we can go for a stroll? In the castle's garden?"

Y/n nodded "yeah that sounds nice"

Y/n looked back at her mother "go ahead! Go have fun! Don't come back home late okay?"

"Okay mom"

Y/n said her goodbye to her Mom and left with Sofia.

"So what have you been up to these past few days?"

Y/n pulled her wand out "practicing sorcery. Practicing spells Cedric taught me, and other things"

"It works with your witch wand?"

Oh shoot. I didn't tell her I had Cedric's wand.

" but—"


Y/n turned and saw her brother running up to her and tackling her in a forced hug.

"Hey Sis! How you doing? Hanging with the Princess I see"

"Evan get off..and yeah I am. You need something?"

"Small favor..haha"


A smaller figure ran to y/n and hugged her stomach. She looked down and saw Ethan.

Y/n bent down and picked up Ethan. "Hey little guy!"

"You don't mind watching him for a bit right?"

Y/n shook her head. "I don't mind at all"

"Thanks! You two take care! I gotta go! Bye!"

With that Evan left and Y/n was left with Sofia and Ethan.

"Ethan this is Princess Sofia"

Sofia smiled and held out her hand.

"Nice to meet you Ethan! I've heard a lot about you!"

"Now if I just add a bit of'll perfect my potion!"

Wormwood squawked making Cedric mess up his potion and exploding. Cedric began to cough and opened a window.

"Wormwood! You made me mess up my potion!"

Wormwood squawked and flew down to the window looking down. He squawked again and pointed his wing down. "What is it?..oh"

"You're holding it too downwards, lift it up a bit more. Yep like that! Now imagine what you want to it?"

Cedric's eyes wandered to the kid Y/n was talking to. He assumed it was her nephew.

"I can't do it.."

"Of course you can! Don't doubt yourself. Come on! Look, Look. See that dead flower? Try to bring it back to life. Easy! Just imagine what you want to happen, kay?"

The boy nodded and closed his eyes. After a bit the flower did change to have some color of life.

"Hey look! I made it have color!" Ethan cheered. Y/n smiled and patted his head.

"Great job Ethan!"

"Thank you Sofia!"

"Well isn't that cute?"

Wormwood squawked and smacked Cedric with his wing. "I was being sarcastic! I didn't mean it!"

"That's alright Princess, we'll wait here"

"I'll be quick!"

Cedric looked as Sofia hurried off into the castle leaving Ethan and Y/n alone.

"Why don't you try at the flower again?"

Y/n said handing Ethan her wand again. The kid nodded. But as Cedric was watching there was a knock at his door making him jump.

"Who is it?"

"It's me! Sofia!"

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