Ch24. Changes

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My head hurts.. I can't feel my body..

Y/n groaned fluttering her eyes open, her vision becoming clear, seeing she was in a room of the castle. She tilted her head to the side and saw a few books, spell books to be specific and some ingredients of something and tea.

I can't move my body, I feel paralyzed..I can't speak. What is going on?

Y/n roamed her eyes around the room and didn't see a person in sight, a bit of sunlight peaking through the curtains.

Where is everyone? Where is Cedric ? Where is Sofia?

The door bursted open and 2 figures walked in "you are sure that spell you casted isn't temporary?"

"Stop worrying yes I'm sure, I knew Y/n would do anything to protect that Princess, oh speaking about her she's awake"

Y/n glared at her.

Goddamn it I want to ask her about the Princess and the others but I can't move any of my muscles!!

"I see that hatred in your eyes. But don't fret, your princess is alright. Just in the dungeons with the rest"

Y/n tried to spring up but couldn't, wanting to grab her mother and direct her to the dungeons. "Want to speak huh? Well nothing good will come out of that bratty mouth of yours so i won't lift the spell..but don't worry I'll give you permission to see your royal family soon"

Y/n tried creating power within her fingertips trying to cause an outburst of magic but nothing.

Her mother stared at her and sighed, bringing her witch's wand out and pointing it at her.

"Mother what are you doing!?" Evan questioned a bit furious of his mother's actions.

"If we want to become more powerful, we need to be on Y/n's good side. She is the next heir to the throne after all. Take her to the dungeons to let her see her royal family"

Just as Y/n felt her sense of movement come back she sprung up immediately, then rushing out the door. "Hey wait!"

"Don't just stand there and looking like an oaf go after her!"

Y/n ran down the long corridors as fast as her bare feet can take her down to the dungeons. Sliding down the rails of the stairs and bursting  through doors she made it almost tripping down the stairs of the dungeons.

"Is that one of the guards coming?"

"You think they'll set us free!?"

"No princess I don't think so"

That's my Cedric!

"Cedric!?" Y/n shouted happily running to the cell in which she heard his voice in. Practically almost tripping again she made it to his cell.
Cedric's eyes widened and he reached his hands out as far as he could and held Y/n's hands.

"Oh my, y/n darling are you alright? How did you manage to get down here!? Oh darling your face.." Cedric's hands moved up to cup y/n's face and rub his thumbs on her cheeks. Y/n leaning into his touch and smiled. "It's okay..I'm just glad you're okay" y/n said happily seeing her boyfriend.

"Are you alright Sofia?" Y/n asked turning her attention to the small princess and reached her hand out to the princess.

Sofia took it and smiled "yes I am. My family is in the other cell"

Y/n sighed and lowered her head "I apologize for all this Sofia..I feel so embarrassed with my mother—"

"It's okay Y/n, I know you didn't mean for all this to happen—"

Y/n shook her head "no it's not okay..I promise I'll get you both out of here. And you're family" y/n said giving a weak smile, quickly giving Cedric a kiss then she was yanked from his grasp.

"Hey! Get off him!" Y/n's brother shouted, gripping y/n's arm. " let go of me! " y/n squirmed and kicked to be freed from his grasp but it resulted her slamming hard on the cold concrete floor.

"Hey! That's my lover you're hurting! get away from her!" Cedric shouted grips the bars of the cell.

"You shut it. We shall deal with you later, get up you twat—gah!?" Y/n grasped Evan's arm, the one holding his wand and quickly grabbed it. Putting her feet on his stomach and flipping him above her. Cedric's mouth was a gape seeing what his girlfriend just did.

Pointing the wand at the locks of the cell doors they opened letting the Royal family and Cedric out. "My, y/n that was.."

Y/n grabbed his hand and pulled him "no time to admire that Ceddy it's best we go. Go on Princess!"

"You..better put them back or..I'll hurt Ethan!"

Oh no the fuck he didn't..

Terribly sorry for posting really late. Lost little interest but I'll try to update and end the story soon. I don't want to leave you all with a cliffhanger

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