Chapter 12- The Stake Out [Part Two]

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Part 2

Nino had his hands on his pockets and was whistling while he led the way. Mao, on the other hand, had a lovely smile plastered on her face. She couldn’t help but remember the things that led her and Nino to walk towards a park.


An awkward silence between the two took place after dessert. Because Mao can’t take this thing anymore, she excused herself for the lavatory. Jun and Aiba immediately turned to face the window when Mao made her way towards the restroom.

Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror, Mao sighed. She lightly tapped her cheeks with both hands, as if to wake herself up.

“This isn’t right, Mao-chan.” She said towards the lady in the mirror. “You shouldn’t just be flirting with that Arashi boy. You need to remember why you chose to go out with him in the first place.” Mao just needed to voice out her inner dilemna.

Speaking to herself was never Mao’s thing but ever since she got pregnant, she’s been dealing with a lot of changes. Now she’s got new and kind of weird habits.

“I was just enjoying myself. I never forgot about my real agenda. I will let him know about my case and so will the others.” Mao reassured herself.

After another big sigh, Mao went through her purse and pulled out her make-up kit. While applying her favorite pink lipstick, a thought lingered in her mind.

Now I just have to find the perfect timing to tell, Ninomiya-san.’

Mao decided to check herself up in the mirror. After being satisfied with her look, she let out a deep breath, bracing herself for what’s she’s about to do.

Jun glanced at Mao as she walked back to the table she and Nino shared. He couldn’t help but smile at how confident she looked even if she just stepped out of the restroom. However, Jun’s smile turned upside down upon seeing his hime’s actions.

Nino had already paid for their bill when Mao returned to her seat. He was just about to ask her what she wants to do next when he was taken aback by the lady’s action. The lady designer suddenly touched Nino’s hand.

Japanese people weren’t really fans of public display of attention. But that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it, especially when someone they liked did it on them, right?

“Anou… Mao-chan?” Though bewildered, Nino felt a little bit giddy with what was happening.

Screw the perfect timing. Let’s just go on with it!’ Mao’s inner theater wanted her to spill the secret already.

“This might sound crazy but...” Mao started with a tone more serious than usual. “Nino, I have something important to tell you.”Mao closed her eyes and took another deep breath. “I—“

“Wait.” Mao was cut off by Nino’s voice.

“Let’s take it somewhere else.” Nino felt the importance of what Mao’s about to disclose from her sudden change of mood. “I think it would be better for us to go in an area with less people. That way we can minimize the chance of it getting into the tabloids.”

Nino just can’t shake off the feeling that somehow he is related to what Mao’s supposed to say. He can’t it being known by the media if indeed his hunch was true.

Mao only nodded in response. She knew she had to trust Nino so she let him lead the way.

Upon stepping out of the restaurant, Nino honestly hadn’t got a clue to where he should take Mao. It would be a little bit awkward if he’d ask to his place since it was just the “first date”. He wouldn’t want Mao to have weird thoughts about him. While still contemplating where to go, his eyes caught a pair of lovers walking towards a certain direction. He immediately had this urge to just follow them but his reason told him not to make decisions hastily. However when he saw another pair of lovers following the first one he saw, Nino didn’t hesitate once more. He grabbed hold of Mao’s forearm and pointed to the lovers’ direction. “Mao-chan, look at those couples. They seem to be walking towards a same path. Want to follow them? I am completely clueless where they’re about to go though.” Nino finished his sentence with a smile that makes his suggestion hard to resist.

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