Chapter 10- Startled

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“And that’s a wrap people! Good job, everyone! Thank you for all your hard work.” The satisfied photographer clapped his hands and bowed his head as he announced the end of the photo shoot. The crew members applauded with him and exchanged the same greeting.

In the middle of the packing up area, there stood the main subjects of the said photo shoot.

“Otsukaresama deshita!” Inoue Mao bowed her head towards the photographer and the crew in gratitude for their care and help during the said photo shoot. She then turned towards Arashi and expressed her gratitude as well with a hasty bow.

The Arashi boys did the same and broke into smiles upon facing Mao.

Mao, in response, couldn’t help but blush at the sight of five handsome men beaming in front of her. “Anou… If you don’t mind, I’ll be on my way.” Mao shyly informed them. She took a quick bow and motioned to leave the area.

Arashi members were puzzled by Mao’s haste in leaving. Aiba suddenly grabbed a hold of Mao’s arm and pleaded, “Don’t go so soon yet, Mao-chan.”

Mao was surprised at Aiba’s action. “Eh? Aiba-san? What are you doing?” She wasn’t expecting for anyone to follow her and ask for her to stay.

“Oy Aiba! What do you think are you doing to Mao-chan?” Nino’s tone of voice was definitely different from the latter. “Let go of her!” Nino was being his bratty self again. Hearing that, Aiba immediately dropped the lady’s hand.

“Masaki, what on earth were you thinking of, suddenly grabbing her hand and asking her of some ridiculous act?” Sho sounded much like a father reprimanding his son for a naughty act.

Aiba just smiled and rubbed the back of his head in response. “My body kind of acted on its own. I’m sorry Mao-chan if I startled you with this silly act.”

Jun decided to just laugh this off. “Pardon this guy for his action. ‘Think before you act’ does not apply to him.”

“Ah. Uhm. It’s okay. I don’t really mind.” Mao quickly averted her gaze from Jun towards the others. “I really must go. It was a real pleasure to be working with all of you.”

“Mao, I really want to get in touch with you. If it’s okay, can I have your number?” Nino flashed his most charming smile that fangirls would die to see in person.

Mao fished out her phone from her Burkin bag and exchanged numbers with the seventeen-looking dude. Nino just couldn’t help but wink at his co-members and be smug about what he did.

Ohno who has been observing the others the whole time spoke all of a sudden, “Mao-chan should I accompany you home?”

Mao had never been startled this many times in a day. Arashi was really a bunch of people full of surprises.

Guess this is part of their charm that captured the hearts of thousands of fans…

Mao walked towards him and touched his arm. “Thanks for the offer, Ohno-san. You’re really such a sweetie pie but I just can’t abandon my car here.” She gave a godly smile.

“So how about we all usher you to the parking lot? That’s where we’ll be going anyway.” Sho just got a message reminding that he and the rest of Arashi should already retire for the day. He passed on this message to the others just by pointing towards his watch as they went their way towards their vehicles.

Mao stopped in front of her car and turned around to face those five gorgeous idols. “See you some other time neh?” She bid them goodbye and then entered her car. As Mao started the engine, she could still view the boys on her side mirror, smiling and waving her goodbye. However what caught her attention was Jun’s smile. It was more of a smirk rather than the concrete smile the others are giving her. This intrigued her more and filled her mind as she started maneuvering the vehicle.

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