Chapter 2- The Surprise

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“I want a baby! I want to become a mother just like you, okaa-san.” Mao informed her mother.

“Honey, I really do not understand where this want of yours if coming from. I mean, you can basically be anything you want, but be a mom? You’re a young gorgeous lady. Why don’t you fully enjoy your youth first before venturing into the world of parenthood?” Inoue Yukie yelled at her daughter.

“But I’m really ready for this new stage in my life okaa-san. I’m already done with my days of fooling around. I’ve become more mature. I now have a stable source of income that can provide for future baby. Also I’m emotionally ready for the hardships of becoming a mom.”

“You’re not really sure of what’s going to happen in the future, sweetie. I really do not think that knowing that you are ready is enough. Besides, why want a baby immediately when you should have looked for a suitable husband and father-to-be of your child instead?!”

“Okaa-san, I’ve already thought about this. I really do not want to get married yet. Besides, he hasn’t asked me that yet also. You’re the first one to know of this plan of mine. I’m actually going to tell him this later when I meet him. I want to know first if you’re against me being a mother or not.”

“Well, truth-to-be-told I’m not really against this idea of yours having your own family. I think it’s the order of your plan that’s bothering me. It is definitely usual for girls your age to want a husband first before wanting a baby.”

“But I’m not just a usual girl!” Mao reasoned. “You know very well that I do not want to be just like everyone else. Okaa-san marriage for me is a sacred bondage. I do not want to be forced into a marriage just because I had a baby with that guy I’m supposed to marry. If I’m going to marry, we should be head-over-heels in love with each other just like those couples in movies. Until I find a man that yearns for me, I will not get married.” Mao-chan declared.

Seeing that her daughter is really determined to make her want come true, Inoue Yukie couldn’t help but succumb to her daughter’s wishes and agree with her seemingly foolish plan of having a baby. “Fine. If that’s what you really want, sweetie. You have all my support, though I fully doubt of what your father will say to this.”

“Anoo… I’m not really planning on telling this plan to otou-san. Please, please do not tell this to him. I promise to let him know but I think now isn’t the right time. I need to tell it to someone first before I finally disclose it to otou-san.” Mao-chan begged to her mother.

“Alright, only if you truly promise to eventually inform your father.”

“Hai, okaa-san. I promise. When have I not completed a promise? You can definitely count on me. Arigato, okaa-san. Thank you for believing in me. I have to go now. Bye.” said Mao before leaving their house. She bade goodbye to her mother one last time before getting into her car.

As Mao’s car passes through their gate, Inoue Yukie couldn’t help but wonder what kind of mischief her daughter will be in just because of her want for a baby. Also, she wonders who will be the lucky father of her grandchild-to-be. The loving mother of Mao couldn’t help but smile and wait for the storm that’s ahead of her daughter’s life.


“Get Okaa-san’s support. Check.” Mao happily tells herself while driving her car towards her boyfriend’s apartment. Next on her mental to-do list is to tell her current boyfriend, a.k.aAkanishi Jin, of her plans on becoming a mother. Of course, part of telling him is also convincing him to become the father of her baby. In order to fulfill this, Mao had prepared to welcome her boyfriend, whom she hasn’t seen for a month, naughtily.

Akanishi Jin had been Mao’s boyfriend for five months now. Mao met him at an auction event where a couple of her dresses were being sold. Jin expressed his admiration for Mao by buying one of her dresses. Mao was intrigued by the thought of a man buying her creations so she agreed to meet Jin once again for a date. The two immediately hit it off and they became a couple after a few weeks of courtship.

Last month Jin was asked by his company to go on a business trip abroad. His presence was very crucial at the meeting which they will be holding in Singapore. Since he had no excuse not to come there, Jin left for work abroad with Mao’s consent. Now that a month has already passed, it’s already time for Mao’s boyfriend to come home. Jin actually told Mao that he’ll be arriving in Japan at around 8pm. He and Mao are supposed to be on a date once he has finished unpacking his things at his home.

“It’s only 2pm huh? Six more hours to go!” Mao happily said placing the alarm clock on Jin’s bedside table back to its original place. “Better get ready!” she said with a wide grin on her face as she entered Jin’s bathroom. After soaking in his boyfriend’s bath tub and cleaning herself, Mao decided to put on her surprise. It was a red sexy floral lingerie. Mao really didn’t plan on doing this but since it’s a welcome gift for her boyfriend, she decided to be done with it. She also put on some makeup and did her hair.

After being satisfied with her look, Mao decided to go out of Jin’s bathroom but just as she was about to turn the doorknob, she heard a loud bang on the front door and the sounds of laughter.

“Jin’s here? He’s quite early. Better get on with the surprise!” Mao happily thought as she went out.

Inoue Mao was someone who really doesn’t get surprised easily but what she saw in front of her really made her jaw drop. In front of her was Jin with his face buried between a random woman’s legs. Jin being surprised as well with Mao being in his apartment was just frozen at that moment. Then without a word Mao hurriedly grabbed her things and dashed into the front door.

“It’s not what you think. Let me explain. Mao-chan wait!” pleaded the naked Jin as he caught hold of Mao’s arms.

“ We’re over.” Mao replied. With that, she shook her away from Jin’s hold and left his naked ex-boyfriend.

 It was only when she went inside the elevator that Mao started to cry.


“So you caught him cheating on you? That’s why you decided to break it off?” Maki asked.

“Yes. What else was I supposed to do when instead of facing me, his face was facing the thing between another woman’s legs?” responded Mao as she applied dark mascara unto her eyelashes.

“You should’ve slapped him in the face at least! I mean, he actually dared to do that. He actually dared to cheat on the great Inoue Mao-sama. The nerve of that man!” Becky declared, complete with doing a slap action on air.

Maki and Becky were Mao’s best friends. They’ve known each other since high school and have never separated until now. Maki was a lawyer while Becky owns a pet shop. Even though they don’t have anything in common when it comes to their fields, the group was quite inseparable.Mao did mention her baby making plan with her best friends. As expected, both Maki and Becky were quite shocked with Mao’s words but they eventually decided to support their best friend.

It has been a week since Mao left Jin’s apartment. In the past few days Mao went through her breaking ritual. After eating a whole tub of ice cream and crying it all out, she underwent intense workouts. Eating sweets while crying then exhausting one’s self in workouts was Mao’s way of coping up with a break up. She admitted to herself that she was hurt with what Jin did. Even though her love for him did fade once Jin went to work abroad, Mao cannot deny the fact that she did fell madly in love with that bastard.

Now that Mao has moved on she openly declared to her friends that she wants to have fun. Upon deciding on that, she hurriedly called Maki and Becky, asking them for a girl’s night out. It’s been ages since the three of them went out together so without a second of hesitation they agreed to Mao’s invitation. Minutes later Maki and Becky were at Mao’s room, waiting for her to finish getting dressed.

With the last stroke of pink lip gloss upon her luscious lips, Mao said “Okay. I’m ready. Let’s go!”

With that, one of Mao’s most memorable nights has officially started.

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