Chapter 3- The Night Out

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“Guys! Look what I’ve found!” Aiba exclaimed, waiving a flyer in his hand

“What now Aiba?” Nino barely looked at him since he’s so engrossed with playing his DS.

“Well, I heard some guys talking about going to a club and they happen to mention this one. It’s just a 30min ride from here so what do you say?” Aiba gave out the flyers he had to each of his bandmates.

“The Embassy? What a weird name for a club.” Sho commented upon receiving the flyer Aiba gave

“Exactly! Its name was thing that intrigued me that’s why I decided to look for it.” Aiba shifted his gave from Sho to Jun. “It’s a newly opened club and of course, it has a VIP section. I’ve already secured our place there so all that’s left is for us to go. So what do you think? Shall we go?”

“I’m okay with it. A little partying wouldn’t hurt once in a while.” Jun decided to go which made Aiba grin with pride.

“As long as you’re paying for my tab, I have no qualms whatsoever in going to that club.” Nino declared which then made Aiba smirk.

“Well, I’m in. What about riida?” asked Sho and then they all turned their gazes to the seemingly not-listening Ohno.

“Me? Anou.. I guess I’ll go as well.” Ohno replied and made Aibashout with glee. As soon as their riida made the decision, the Arashi boys left the greenroom and made themselves ready for the night.

“VIP please” Aiba tipped his hat to reveal his face to the bouncer in front of him and immediately entered the club leading the way. The five dashing boys in entering the club clearly took the breaths of people who looked at them away. As soon as the manager of the club got sight of them, he led the Arashi boys into the VIP section which was on the second floor of the building.

The VIP section housed quite a number of people, much to Jun’s surprise. He wasn’t really expecting the room to be almost filled. “Guess this club’s well-known.” Jun muttered as the boys explored the area.

Most of the people in there knew Arashi. Girls obviously couldn’t hide their excitement. Smiles and battling of eyelashes were seen from the face of every girl in the VIP section, flirting shamelessly with members of the famous group. After an hour of music, lights, girls, and booze, the five boys were officially drunk. Even Ohno clearly was enjoying himself. They were pretty much exhausted from groovin’ in the dance floor so the boys decided to retreat to their reserved area and sit on the sofa. Drinks were still served unto their area so they continued drinking as they talked about random stuff.

Just as Jun was about to announce that he was going to go home already, he caught sight of a beauty entering the VIP section. She was wearing an attention-seeking red tube dress that hugged her supple, slender body and knee-high gladiator shoes with dangerous heels. As he finished scanning her from top to toe, Jun couldn’t help but just gulp. The girl was definitely breath-taking.

Jun took a quick glance to each of his band mates to see if they also caught sight of the girl. He wasn’t wrong. The girl completely mesmerized his best friends as well.

Aiba was flashing his most charming smile towards the girl who in response also smiled sheepishly. This made Jun flinch a little. Sho was staring at her intensely while slowly sipping his alcoholic drink. Nino immediately closed his mouth when he found out that he had been staring at her with his mouth open. Her beauty made Nino look like he was in front of a hamburger which makes his mouth water. Even Ohno was affected by this beauty. He couldn’t help but gaze at this beautiful young woman and smile.

“Ah hell.” Jun practically slumped at his seat upon knowing that it wouldn’t be easy to claim that woman as his own since all the Arashi boys have their eyes on her also. The girl and her companions made their way towards the bar.

The five Arashi members look into each other’s eyes. “Game on!” Nino declared and went on to make his first move. The other four couldn’t help but wonder who’s going to win that night for clearly each of them wants to, especially since the prize was very much enticing.

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