Chapter 1- The Little Blue Dress

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Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm beside Mao’s bed rang, signaling that it’s already 7am and she needs to wake up.

“Ugh.” That was the only thing she can mutter while sluggishly finding the button that can stop the ringing. Mao finally got up as soon as the ringing ended and walk towards her bathroom to get over with her daily morning rituals. As soon as she was fully dressed after taking a cool shower, she got down and went towards the dining room. Mao stared at the other of the dining table where no one sat while her maids were busy preparing her breakfast. It was the usual oatmeal with freshly picked strawberries from her mother’s priced garden.

Mao, being the only daughter of Inoue Seiichi and Inoue Yukie, is the heiress to the Inoue Group of Companies. Eating alone has been a part of her morning routine since her parents are usually away and busy with work. She has been eating alone ever since she was little so she was usually just fine but today, Mao was feeling a little bit sad.

“I wonder why…” Mao muttered to herself. She wondered why she was unusually melancholic these days. “Hmm… It must be because I just miss my mom and dad. Better check up on them later!” she said smiling, kind of satisfied with her reason. When she finally finished eating, Mao got into her red hot sports car to head towards her office.

Inoue Mao was indeed the heiress of Inoue Group of Companies but she chose not, well more precisely not yet,to take over the business upon graduating from a top university. She made a bargain with her father. Mao assured him that she will handle their business but only when she has reached the age of 35. Until then, she will start her own company and learn to handle it properly. Mao reasoned to her father that having a company of her own will become a training ground for her, making her more capable of assuming the role of their company’s heiress. Seeing that it was a good proposition, Inoue Seiichi, her father, couldn’t refuse her little princess. He even lent enough money for capital to which Mao promised to return once her company gains.

Mao took up Business Management in college, as requested by her father. Even though this was her course, her first love will always be fashion. That is why she decided to put up a clothing line as her business, making her degree in college be equipped with her love for fashion.

Upon entering her shop, Mao was happily greeted by the salespeople inside. Ohayous were exchanged. Even though she can be considered as a big personality, Mao treats her workers as friends or just fellow co-workers. She doesn’t treat them as people inferior to her. Mao immediately went to her desk to finish some paper works while waiting for the clock to turn 10am.

At exactly 10am, “Hime’s Kiss” was open. The first customers who entered the shop were a mother and her daughter. It has been Mao’s practice to personally entertain her first customers for the day. She immediately approached the mother who was browsing in the kid’s section.

“Ohayou gozaimasu! Ma’am how may I help you?” Mao happily greeted her.

“Ohayou! Anoo.. I’m actually looking for a dress for my daughter over there.” The lady answered while pointing at her daughter who’s seated at a couch, playing with her phone.

“I see. Is it for a particular occasion or just for casual days?” Mao asks, joining the lady in browsing for dresses.

“Well, her father will be coming home from abroad in two weeks. I just want her to look pretty for him, especially since it has been two years since my husband saw her precious daughter.”

“If that’s the case then I suggest that she try on this dress. It is actually one of my newest designs included in my spring collection.” Mao showed her customer a blue chiffon dress with cute floral prints.

“You’ll actually receive a discount if you buy the dress with its matching hat and shoes.” added Mao, pointing at the white doll shoes with the same floral print and then at the white hat displayed near the dress.

“Oh what a cute ensemble! Miko-chan, come here!” the lady called onto her daughter. Miko-chan immediately went to her mother and then tried on the dress. After a few minutes, she emerged from the dressing room wearing the blue dress. The mother smiled and praised the look of her daughter. She even praised Mao for creating such a beautiful dress. Mao-chan could only say thanks for the compliment she received and then continue watching the happy mother and daughter bond in front of her eyes. After a few minutes, the lady already decided to buy the dress with the hat and shoes so Mao gladly ushered them to the cashier. They left the store with joy and even assured Mao that they would come back for her new designs.

Mao then went back to her desk upon seeing that her first customers have already left the store. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought that she made a family happy with her designs. It actually just strengthened her drive to make good at her work. Mao even found inspiration to sketch some new designs.

The day went by so fast that Mao didn’t even notice that it was already her shop’s closing time until one of her workers asked if he could already go home. Mao answered yes and even told the others that they could go home. Upon hearing numerous voices of her workers saying “Otsukaresama deshita!” , Mao decided to pick up her things and also go home.

It was already 11pm when she reached home. As usual, her parents were not around so she immediately went to her bedroom. Mao wasn’t feeling hungry so she decided to just skip dinner. Also she thought that was already too late for dinner. After cleaning herself and changing into nighties, Mao decided to lie on her bed and sketch some more designs. Finding it hard to draw some more, she decided to just flip through her past sketchbooks with her past designs. She stopped at the page where she drew the design of the blue chiffon dress that she sold to the mother-and-daughter tandem earlier in the morning. Mao couldn’t help but smile as she reminisces the scene she had witnessed earlier. Then a memory hit her. She remembered that the design was for her future daughter if ever she will have one. It also came to her mind that she was inspired by the thought of having a daughter back then so she decided to draw a child’s dress. After minutes of thinking, Mao decided to bring an old thought to life. 

She wants to have a baby.

She wants it now.

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