Chapter 18- The Big Bosses

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Arashi members were inside a very familiar room which they haven’t entered in a while. With black and white being its theme, the interior suggested a serious atmosphere. It was as if fear and anxiety were trapped within the walls and it definitely sent chills down the spine of Arashi. Though the couch was soft enough, the boys couldn’t help but be fidgety in their seats. After all they’ll be meeting the person who owns this office in a few minutes, Johnny Kitagawa himself.

Inevitably, the president and founder of Johnny and Associates made his grand entrance in the said posh office. After bows and greetings were exchanged, Kitagawa sat on his seemingly royal chair and positioned himself in front of Arashi. With arms folded on his chest, he started in a calm tone. “Do you know why I called all of you here in my office?”

Being the leader, Ohno was tasked to answer all of the president’s questions even back in their debut days, unless of course he specifically directs it to someone else. “No, sir.” All of the Johnny’s know that Kitagawa values brevity and it’s always safe to answer directly.

“Well then,” the old man’s vicious eyes darted on each member. “It involves a certain Inoue Mao. Does her name ring a bell?”

Even if they didn’t mutter a sound, shock and disbelief was painted amongst the boys’ faces. The extent of Kitagawa’s power and influence is really amazingly scary. Arashi members were petrified and their minds blank. Indeed they were caught off guard and cannot muster the right words to reply to question.

“I thought I’d made myself clear when I made ‘Dating and marriage can be only be officially made upon reaching 30’ a silent rule upon my company. How dare you break this golden rule when you’ve only just reached the top?”

“Anou… None of us is dating her, Kitagawa-san.” Ohno spoke softly.

“Of course you didn’t. Good for you!” It was as if an evil creature was spitting out poison, which in this case is in the form of sarcastic words. “But you guys know what you did? You got her pregnant!” Kitagawa shouted and slammed his fist unto the desk. This made the boys flinch a little.

“Well to be more precise, one of you got Inoue Mao pregnant.” The CEO viciously hissed. “What on earth were you thinking? Drinking out and partying with girls! After all these years being in my company, you should have known very well to exercise discretion when doing these things. Do you even know how I got this information? From her father himself, Inoue Seiichi!” Of course Arashi did not dare talk back. A Johnny knows that there’s nothing else to do but to take all of it in when executives decide to deliver a sermon.

“How dare you pull off a KimuTaku!?! Just because you’ve recently been the nation’s top idols doesn’t mean you can break my rules and get away with it. There will be consequences to your actions.” Kitagawa muttered the last line in a very stern manner.

“All of you will be under a stricter surveillance. I originally planned for this year’s live tour to be postponed and less projects to be given to your group. But when I discussed this with Inoue Seiichi-san, much to my surprise, he was strongly against this decision.” From his tone and actions, Kitagawa had finally calmed down. “The man even offered to invest in your group. Even I cannot comprehend his motives but as long as I can protect my agency and my talents, I shall oblige.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Bad news is you have to confront him with what you’ve done to his daughter. Inoue-san has requested for a meeting in his office next Wednesday at around 11am.” Kitagawa relaxed himself and leaned on his chair. “On a brighter side, Arashi is now the new face of Inoue Group’s new line of Android smartphones, the ‘A Plus’ phones. More details about this new project will be briefed by your managers.”

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