Chapter 9- The Photoshoot

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“Mao-chan!” screamed Arashi in unison. Arashi were pretty much thrilled to meet Inoue Mao after months of not seeing her. However they weren’t expecting Mao to suddenly lose consciousness upon meeting her up again.

Everyone was basically shaken up when Mao fainted. Good thing Jun was near her and was able to catch her just in time before she hit the floor.

Aiba then quickly moved towards their direction. He grabbed Mao’s shoulders and slightly shook her up, calling out her name repeatedly while doing so.

“Oy Aiba! Stop shaking her up. You might cause more injury to her.” Nino also moved near them, along with Ohno and Sho.

“I think we should move her to a more comfortable position, Jun-kun.” Sho was very much concerned about Mao even though it was only a couple of times since they’ve met.

“Maybe we should carry her to the common room where there’s a sofa. She could rest there while we ask for help.” Ohno suggested. It was also quite rare for Arashi’s riida to show concern. He gives off the feeling that he’s bored and sleepy all the time but at this instance, he isn’t Arashi’s usual Ohno-chan.

“Don’t worry. I can carry her myself. Just lead me the way.” Jun proudly stated. He carried Mao in the famous princess-like pose which many romance mangas depicted. Arashi and the unconscious Mao, still in Jun’s hands, stormed off the dressing room.

Mao was starting to get conscious. She was hearing footsteps and was able to feel her surroundings moving.

Wait. Surroundings moving? Is there an earthquake happening?

To confirm her doubts, Mao slowly opened her eyes. With her still blurry vision, she immediately saw a man holding her. Mao tried to squint her eyes a little to get a better view. Because of this, she finally recognized the man holding her in a princess-like fashion. It was Jun a.k.a the extremely good-looking guy with the most gorgeous eyes she’d ever seen.

Mao wasn’t a fan of fairytales. She felt pity for girls who are helplessly waiting for their knight-in-shining-armor to save them from distress. However the whole time Jun was carrying her really made Mao feel like princess being saved by her prince. It really felt good, too good that she was able to immediately go back to sleep right before Jun and the others reached the sofa.

“Should we call an ambulance to get her to the hospital?” Nino asked his bandmates as Jun placed Mao slowly on the sofa.

“I’m not really sure but I think it would be better to let the crew know the situation first. Maybe it’s better if we let them decide on what to do.” Sho replied.

Aiba was immediately up on his toes and volunteered to let inform the crew on what happened. Sho also took off and followed him.

While Mao was sleeping Jun and the Ohmiya pair just stood by her side, basically doing nothing. They were kind of afraid to wake her up so they did their best not to make any sound. Jun, having nothing better to do, took this time to scan Mao’s sleeping face. According to Jun’s observations, she was indeed a very beautiful sleeping hime. If only Nino and Ohno weren’t there, he would have already awakened this sleeping beauty with a kiss.

Mao was again slowly awakening. Even with her eyes closed, she’d swear that she could feel as if someone’s watching her intensely. She opened her eyes bit by bit to see if her hunch was true. True enough, she was indeed being stared at. Mao couldn’t help but smile when she again found that familiar mesmerizing pair of eyes looking at her direction.

Meanwhile, Nino was itching to play his DS. He originally planned to go back to their dressing room and grab his favorite play toy when he caught a glimpse of Mao. “Oy Mao-chan, you’re awake!” Nino almost squeaked.

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