Chapter 13- Overreaction

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“Eh!?!” Arashi screamed in unison. Everyone was utterly shocked by the news Mao brought. Aiba forgot to react to Jun’s earlier action. Jun wasn’t able to apologize for spitting tea on his friend. Nino was caught off guard by Mao’s statement. Sho’s jaw literally dropped. Lastly, Ohno couldn’t help but elicit a weird shocked face upon hearing those words.

Mao crossed her arms upon seeing the boys’ reactions. “You heard what I said. I. Am. Pregnant.” She couldn’t stress this enough.

“But how?” Aiba was definitely bewildered.

“Do you really have to know the details? Learn your biology, Aiba.” Nino retorted back.

Sho approached Mao. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes. As a matter of fact, I have a sonogram to prove it to you.” Mao left for the couch where she put her bag. She rummaged through her things and found the tiny envelope she was looking for. She hurriedly went back to the boys and flashed the sonogram she held to them.

The Arashi boys moved closer to have a clearer view of the picture. The bean-shaped lump of flesh in the sonogram meant another life. This was clearly understood by the Arashi. However, accepting and recognizing it as their own is another story for the boys.

“That’s a baby-in-the-making alright.” Sho straightened up and pointed at the sonogram. “By the way, how far are you already, Mao-chan?”

“I just had my check-up the other day. According to my OB-Gyne, I’m already ten weeks pregnant.”

Ohno looked deep in thought after hearing her statement. Suddenly he started counting his fingers. “If I’m not mistaken, ten weeks had already passed since we all first met Mao-chan, right?”

“Yes.” Mao inhaled a great deal of air. “And that is why I’m telling you that one of may be the father of this child.”

While all of this conversation was going, Jun could only slump back on to his chair. He had a pale appearance and was sweating a lot, which is not of a typical Matsujun.

Matsumoto Jun has never been this perplexed until now. Wait. Me? A father? Already? How could this be? 

He has never been flooded too much by his thoughts until Mao came. I’m pretty much sure something happened between us. I wouldn’t forget such details. Jun lips curved into a smile. But, protection! How stupid of me to forget something like that! He mentally slapped himself a couple of times.

Because of that one teenie-tiny bit of detail, here I am, on the verge of losing Arashi! Johnny would be pretty mad if he learns that I have a child. Jun could only shake his head with the consequences of his actions.

Wait a minute. Those boys! It seemed as if a mental light bulb flashed. I wasn’t all alone with my hime! He looked like he just had a “Eureka moment”.

I am pretty sure about me and Mao doing our “thing” but what about the others? They were also completely naked the morning after. That must mean something, right? Jun was now completely engrossed with his own thought.

There is a possibility that the boys could own the child too. He shivered at the thought of sharing Mao with his friends.

But how I can be sure that it was only us who became involved with Mao? What if she had other relationships? Jun’s being paranoia about Mao’s condition made him thought inappropriate things.

What if she’s only using her baby to solicit money from us? Knowing our status as Arashi, she could get a lot…

All of these thoughts filled Jun’s mind and when it reached the point where he can’t take it anymore, he stood up from his seat. He did it quite violently to be exact and it startled the others.

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