Chapter 14- Dreams

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After an hour of traveling, Sho finally reached the Arashi residence. The lights were all off and with the silence, it seemed that everyone was already asleep. When Sho let out a large yawn, he decided that it was time to also hit the sack. A few minutes later, he was off to the dream world.

“Papa! Papa! I can’t answer number 5.” A child was tugging on his pants.

Sho lowered himself and kneeled beside the little boy who’s in his mini study table.

“Hmm. Let’s see…” He examined the notebook which seemed to be the little boy’s homework. “The squirrel gathered ten nuts. He was about to put them all inside his tree house for storage. His little bird friend flew next to him and asked for some food because he was hungry. The squirrel gave him two of his food. How much will the squirrel be able to store for the upcoming winter?”

To help the little boy, Sho used his fingers as a guide. He showed his ten fingers then curled up two of them. “Eight! Kanjani eight!” The little boy scribbled fast into his notebook.

“This little boy knows of Kanjani eight eh?” Sho whispered.

“Arigato Oto-chan!” The little boy stood from his seat and hugged him. 

“Eh?! Otousan?” Sho was definitely bewildered. But what puzzled him more was his own action. Unconsciously he hugged him back and let the little boy place a kiss on his cheek. He then lifted the boy up and put him into his shoulders. Sho ran around the area with the little boy seeming to enjoy himself.


While Sho continued to drift into sleep, Aiba was also on his way to dreamland.

The lion let out a big roar. The little boy beside Aiba clapped his hands cheeringly. Aiba clasped the little boy’s hand and led him towards the next zoo attraction.

Different colors of cotton candy caught the little boy’s eyes. “Papa! Papa! Look! Look!” He pointed towards the direction of the cotton candy. 

“What did Mama say about sweets?” Aiba warned his little boy.

He replied in a very gloomy tone, “Sweets will make my teeth fall off.”

“Hai. Hai. Now let’s go meet Mr. Elephant!” Aiba tugged the little boy’s hand and urged him to move. The boy obliged and continued to move. However his head was lowered and he seemed to be in a depressed mood. Aiba noticed this and couldn’t help but do something. He stopped in his tracks and kneeled in front of the little boy. “Fine. Just this once. I will let you buy that cotton candy. But you must never tell Mommy about this, okay?”

The boy immediately lightened up. “I promise not to tell Mommy. It’s a secret between us Papa!” He did a pinky swear with Aiba.

Aiba then led the little boy to the cotton candy stall. He bought a blue-colored one and gave it to his son. The boy happily ate the sweet snack. 

They continued to stroll around the zoo. While doing so, Aiba took pictures of his little one. He even bought him an elephant hat because he thought the boy would look much cuter.

Finally they reached the elephant area. The little boy was truly amazed by how big those animals were. He pointed at one excitedly, “Look Papa! The elephant’s nose is really long.”

“Uwaa~ Indeed it is!” It looks like it wasn’t only the boy who’s enjoying himself. Aiba saw other people feeding the said animals. He turned towards the little boy. “Would you like to feed the elephant as well?”

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