Chapter 7- Confessions

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Mao was back to the real world. She was back to managing her shop and making designer sketches. It only took a small amount of time being in Hime’s Kiss for her to purely concentrate on work and make her momentarily forget all the crazy, unknown things she has done on one particular night.

 Mao, being completely immersed with her work, didn’t hear one of her coworkers state the arrival of her best friends. Only when the two barged into her office and gave her quite a shock that Mao acknowledged the presence of Becky and Maki.

“So… how was this escapade of yours at the club?” Maki asked with a very suggestive smile and an eager look.

“Don’t you dare leave out the juicy details!” commanded Becky as the two of them put their bags and sat in front of Mao’s desk.

“Girls, can’t you see I’m busy here? I still have a lot of sketches to do.” Mao tried her very best to reason out to her besties that it was not the right time for her to be engaging in chit-chat.  But trust her best friends to quickly persuade her with sweet talk, or should I say, guilt talk.

“Oh come on, Mao! Don’t be such a killjoy! Just to hear your story, I’ve put off two clients on hold today.” Maki used the I-made-time-for-our-friendship card on Mao.

“We used to share our love escapades to each other, Mao-chi… I even remember way back in our high school days. I can’t believe you’ve changed this much. It’s very heart-breaking.” Becky clutched her heart and acted as if she’s hurting there. She even started sobbing really hard. It was a very well played are-we-still-friends card.

“Okay. Okay. Enough with the drama. Geez Becky, you sure do know how to act. You should try auditioning and maybe you’ll get to become part of an agency or something.

And you Maki! I didn’t see that coming. Never did I thought you would play that card on me.” Mao sounded like a mother reprimanding her children.

Becky shrugged this off, still very eager on knowing what really happened that night they were partying. “Whoa whoa! Relax, Mao-chi. We only want to know if you’re successful in completing your agenda which was, if I’m not mistaken, to attract attention and then have fun.”

“Fine. If you really must know—”

“We do!” shouted Maki and Becky at the same time, cutting Mao off.

“Aren’t we too excited? Gosh, you both look like kids asking their mom to read them a bedtime story. As I was saying…” Mao eventually gave in to her friends pleases and started narrating her story.


“What?! You don’t remember anything?” exclaimed Becky. She clearly cannot hide her frustration.

Just as her story was getting to the climax, Mao decided to cut the excitement and confess to her friends that she cannot remember exactly what happened that night. She told them everything that she remembered, from the flirting and seducing in the club that night to the shocking confrontation the day after. All of the events between her and the jaw-dropping hotties Mao reported to her friends.

Except from one little detail. That particular detail her best friends were dying to know. It was the answer she was looking for this question.

What really happened after they did the shots?

“Unfortunately, yes. I don’t remember what took place after we did those shots. I don’t even remember how I ended up in their hotel suite. Lastly, I also don’t have a single clue as to why we were all buck-naked.” Mao stated, as-a-matter-of-factually.

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