Chapter 20- The Hormonal Effect

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It’s hard.

It’s really getting hard.

Once again Jun had to excuse himself towards the bathroom. He doesn’t know if the others had already noticed it but for Jun it’s been rather a usual occurrence. Yes, it’s quite embarrassing for one to get aroused at the sight of a woman eating ice cream and a pregnant one at that but he just can’t help it.

Earlier, Mao and the boys gathered at the living room after they’ve finished eating dinner. Having complete Arashi members with Mao is quite a rare scene at the present so they’ve all decided to bond over watching a movie. Of course a good movie must be accompanied with great snacks. Aiba prepared popcorn for all but Mao preferred her ice cream. She’d already gotten over her weird pregnancy cravings and now she’s crazed over pistachio ice cream.

Everything was going smoothly until Jun shifted his focus on Mao. It wasn’t a case of him not enjoying the movie. He just happened to notice the way Mao was eating her current favorite dessert. She would take a spoonful and lick a part of it first, as if testing the waters. Then Mao would finish what’s left. She’d close her eyes and her mouth would display an adorable pout, both actions indicating her satisfaction. At times she would let her tongue circle her mouth to lick off excess ice cream. She would even lick off melted ice cream drops on some parts of her hand. Of course Mao was oblivious to the fact that just a few meters away from her an idol was watching her. However these seemingly innocent actions were not-so-innocent after all for Jun. In his vision, the way Mao would use her tongue to finish that sweet treat was very seductive.

The movie was not even halfway finished but Jun had to leave them. A cold shower would definitely be appropriate for situation. He just hoped the others would be too engrossed in the movie to notice his state.


“Oy Jun, what happened to you last night?” Aiba asked out of the blue.

The five were currently on their way towards an early shooting of VS Arashi. At times the silence inside the vehicle would drive Aiba to think of crazy games to ward off boredom. At other times such as this, curious questions would suddenly pop out of the animal-lover’s mouth that would make his co-members caught off guard.

“What do you mean, Aiba-chan?” Jun replied without turning to the other idol. He hoped Aiba wasn’t pertaining to his, well, hard situationlast night.

“Well… While we were in the middle of watching that movie Mao-chan picked, you suddenly disappeared from your seat.”

“Maybe Jun simply didn’t want the movie, Aiba.” Sho answered. He couldn’t help but listen to the conversation of the two.

“You may be right. But the weird part is I saw him leave the bathroom after and Jun looked like he just came from a shower.”

“What’s so weird about that?” Jun defended himself.

“Wasn’t it rude of you to do that? You could have taken a bath after the movie. Mao-chan would have thought you didn’t like the movie she picked. She may not watch a movie with us again.”

“Is that so?”Jun acted as if he wasn’t aware of that. Well, as long as he’d work his way out this Aiba situation, he was willing to act innocent. “I’ll take note of that.”

Aiba looked satisfied with his answer and Jun thought it was over, that much was true. Until Nino decided to speak up.

“Maybe he had an urgent situation to take care of, right J?” The gamer smirked at him.

“What?” Jun didn’t like the tone of Nino’s voice, along with his look on him.

“Just admit it already, J.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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