Chapter 8- The Inevitable

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“Two months. It’s been exactly two months since we’ve had so much fun, Mao-chi!” Becky declared while firmly gripping Mao’s shoulders and shaking her as if she’s just a doll.

“Yeah. So?” replied Mao in a bored tone, completely ignoring the fact that she was being shaken by her best friend.

Seeing that her friend may be kind of irritated by her behavior, Becky released Mao and acted as if nothing happened. “What I’m trying to say is, I think it’s time for us to have a break from work and do something fun, much like what we did last time.”

“No. Nononono. No.” Mao motioned a cross with her hands and forcefully shook her head ‘no’. “I’m never going to pull off that kind of stunt again.”

“Well then, it’s your call. I’m just suggesting things to liven up your days. You do realize that all these months you’ve been completely engrossed with work, don’t you?”

“That I’m guilty of. I just can’t say no to huge amounts of workload.” Mao nodded in approval.

“See, Mao-chan. All you do now is work and work. What about your plans of conceiving? Have you abandoned this plan already?” Becky pointed out.

Mao crossed her legs and looked as if she’s deep in thought. “I haven’t completely forgotten about my plan but the thing is after I did what I think I did with those boys, I believe that it’s not the right time for me to be messing around. What I did in that night was wild enough for me not to flirt for about, I don’t know, maybe one year tops?”

“Whatever you say, Mao-chi. But I don’t think you can avoid boys parading around you, especially the ones that you spend the night with. I just have this hunch that you’ll be meeting them soon enough.” Becky declared with conviction.

“That, we’ll see. I don’t even remember all their names anymore. To be honest, I have no idea what I’m going to do if ever I see them again.” Mao sighed.


“Hmm. A designing contest huh?” Mao exclaimed aloud after scanning the contents of the flier Maki handed to her a while ago.

“Precisely. I know it’s been ages since you’ve entered something like this. The moment I saw this announcement on one of the bulletin boards in the building, I immediately thought of you. It wouldn’t hurt if you try, right?” Maki nudged her friend to participate in this competition.

Mao decided to carefully read the details of the contest first.

The theme of this contest is “The Best Man”. The flier basically stated that designers should be able to show and enhance the best features of the male species through an ensemble. However the contest requires each participant to submit at least five different designs that would correspond for winter, spring, summer, and fall clothing and one formal wear that a man would have as a wedding suit.

‘Hmm. Designing men’s clothing is not really my forte but a challenge would be good for enhancing my craft’ Mao thought.

“Okay Maki. Challenge accepted. I’ll join thing competition but only if you’ll be the one to pass my application form. I’ll need to work right away so I don’t have time to bother with passing those requirements. Will you please be such a dear and do this bothersome task for me? Pretty please?” Mao showed Maki her puppy dog pout and her friend immediately gave in to Mao’s wishes.

Maki was about to say her goodbye to Mao when she remembered one detail. “Wait a minute Mao. Have you really read the all of the contents in that flier? You are well aware of the prizes the winner will receive, aren’t you?”

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