Chapter 28 - And escape again

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A/N: Hey guys, you had to wait a long time for an update, but now it's finally time and we also have the EGO POV of Zhan again.

1 year! That's how long it's been since Yibo and I escaped from the city. Since then we have survived and will continue to do so. Even if it means, that we have to continue to live like in the times of the wild west and worse. Where we go to sleep every night with our weapons within reach. Where we even forge our own weapons to ensure our survival.

We no longer live in luxury with electricity, oil, gas or hot running water. We cook over open fires what we have previously collected and hunted. We make our own clothes. Use fabric scraps as washcloths and towels. Even make our own soap. Torches bring light to our dark dwellings. Caves, ruins that were once beautiful homes, underground tunnels and bunkers, if you can find them, are now the safe home for us humans!

And I honestly can't believe, when I hear myself or Yibo talk about it, that we have gotten used to our new life. Because it's not a life, it's a survival and nothing more. We don't plan anymore, we just live from day to day. Always thinking, at any moment we could be attacked.

Even now that these other flying creatures came to protect and support us, whose only difference from the others is their brown and sometimes spotted fur coloration, we don't feel safe. These creatures are just like the black flying devils, they are as ugly and dangerous as the others. But, they are watching over us. Whatever that may mean.

Because in most cases, these flying assholes just sit on a high point and watch the area. If they spotted an enemy, they only made a squawking sound, but they didn't intervene and defend us. I think King Bac did not intend it that way. After all, he had spoken of us fighting the creatures in the cities together with them and freeing the cities from these other creatures.

And as if all that wasn't bad enough, winter hit with full force. First it snowed once briefly at night, but then it snowed for days and almost continuously. We were literally snowed in. The snow has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, we can see from the tracks in the snow when someone or something is approaching us, but the other way around, the other creatures also see our tracks.

So what that means is clear. And quite soon exactly what we feared happened. A group of the Amores was out searching for food and spreading their tracks all over the snow. We tried to cover the tracks leading to the cave, but it was already too late. It came to the attack of a whole horde of the other creatures. Those naked hairless grays and the Demoids.

In the middle of the night, just as Yibo and I were sleeping, the screeching sound of the flying creatures shrilled into the cave. Only a short time later, the first sounds of battle and screams rang out. Within seconds, Yibo and I were dressed and running forward to the large cave with our weapons. We saw how the attackers rushed at the Amores and how they had no chance under the overwhelming power of the attackers. They were simply too few. For a large part of the Amores were gone. They took the women and children back to their kingdom.

We saw King Bac fighting at the same time with a handful of gray creatures. The noise of battle could also be heard from the mountaintop. The flying creatures were fighting. The Amores were fighting and we just stood there in shock. And then Yibo grabbed me by the arm, dragging me behind him into our cave. We grabbed our things that we always kept packed and then searched for He Peng, but couldn't find him.

As the screams grew louder and louder and apparently more and more attackers poured into the cave, King Bac came to us with a handful of his men. He told us to leave the cave through the secret second exit, of which we had no idea, and had one of his men make sure that we actually escaped before he returned to the fight. This Amore pushed us through narrow unlit corridors at a pace that almost caused Yibo and me to fall more than once, had the Amore not grabbed us and held us tight.

You, the apocalypse and me! [YiZhan FF] FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now